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Endzeitgeist Reviews Open Design’s New Planar Releases

Endzeitgeist Reviews Open Design’s New Planar Releases

Dark Roads CoverWe just saw a couple of great reviews from Endzeitgeist over at Paizo.com, and wanted to wave them at you!

First, he calls Dark Roads & Golden Hells “One of the best planar sourcebooks ever made”.

As if that weren’t enough, he also deems Shadow Planes & Pocket Worlds: A Dark Roads and Golden Hells Supplement “a stellar supplement at an unbeatable price”.

We’re big fans of fantastic adventures across the planes here, so it’s gratifying to see the wonderful reception that Dark Roads & Golden Hells and Shadow Planes & Pocket Worlds have gotten. Want to see more like this? Let us know!

2 thoughts on “Endzeitgeist Reviews Open Design’s New Planar Releases”

  1. Dan and the patron designers should be very proud of those reviews. They knocked it out of the park, to the point where I want to run a Planescape campaign again, stat.

  2. If you run a Planescape game I’d love a virtual spot at the table via G+ if one opens up!

    Seriously proud of the reviews, especially since it is my first byline in a printed product. Not only was a great time sharpening my skills with input from some of the best, but the end product is already seeing use in my core campaign!

    I am absolutely thrilled!

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