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Heritage How-to: Write your own Tales of the Valiant RPG heritages!

If you’re making your own homebrew game, you’re probably using the standard ToV lineages. And most fantasy games assume the same medieval/renaissance world that makes most of the backgrounds pretty relevant. But heritages offer an opportunity to develop and communicate your world to your players.

Heritage How-to: Write your own Tales of the Valiant RPG heritages! Read More »

And Straight On ’til Morning

A huge round of applause for Miranda! She’s done an amazing job of running the Kobold Blogmines for years. While I’m a wee bit sad to see her go, I’m greatly excited to see what great things she does next. When you slay some dragons, Miranda, come back and tell us all about them! It’s Deja Vu All Over Again As introduced, I’m

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New Math

Kobold Quarterly, or KQ if you like, is one year old. Thank you to all of you—readers, designers, artists, and everyone who has contributed—for making it happen. It’s a sad fact that most new magazines don’t survive, and KQ has at least as many foes as your typical kobold. Like our wily mascot, though, we’re

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Lucky Number 4

Here we are at issue #4, and I’m not sure quite how the time has flown by so quickly. It’s springtime, and an editor’s fancy turns to thoughts of new editions, new authors, and new pagecount. There’s a full-on feast of other gaming goodness in this issue, from the cover by William O’Connor to the

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