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2nd Review Roundup at the KQ Corral

2nd Review Roundup at the KQ Corral

So the first set of reviews was pretty good, we’re doing it again. And starting with RPG blogging legend Uncle Bear (named one of the Top 100 Geeks to Watch on Twitter by WIRED magazine).

Uncle Bear: I would use this in my own game, and I’d go out of my way to find a way to use this in my own game.

Private Sanctuary: Kobold Quarterly continues to provide quality material to 3.5 loyalists and fans of the fantasy genre. The layout and editing is professional. The quality of writing and variety of articles grows. Kobold Quarterly #10 is one of the best issues they have published so far.

Paizo/DM Sketchpad: Richard Pett looks at the Ecology of the Hill Giant and I’m really glad he did. I don’t remember ever using hill giants in my campaigns for some reason I always seem to go ogre, troll, stone giant, frost giant and stone giant – totally skipping the hill giants as nothing more than bigger ogres…. What I like about this article is that it is forcing me to relook at a monster that I’ve traditionally glossed over. ★★★★★

Trollsmyth: The magazine is also laced with a certain playfulness that only showed up sparingly in the pages of Dragon. That sense of daring and fun appeals to me. Even if I don’t get a subscription, Kobold Quarterly is now on my radar, and I’ll be sure to at least thumb through the next issue to see what Mr. Baur has assembled to tempt me with.

Beneath the Screen: The more I read, the more I was impressed by all of the many topics this issue covered…. Kobold Quarterly does not disappoint!

One of the best parts about Kobold Quarterly was that the authors went above and beyond all the normal RPG topics to develop content dealing with unique and creative aspects of Dungeons & Dragons that I never would have even thought of.

AllGeektOut:I was struck by how much stuff there is in this issue. This is the largest issue yet (a good 20 pages longer than issue 9, when I started reading KQ), and there is plenty ofgreat articles to read.

So there you have it! If you are enjoying the Monday Monsters, the Trapsmith, the interviews — take a look at Kobold Quarterly #10.

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