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Trapsmith: the Mauruvian Harp
and the Corridor of Remembrance

Trapsmith: the Mauruvian Harp
and the Corridor of Remembrance

When the sun’s rays shone through the airshaft and struck the corridor’s murals, the Maruvian caste-nobles ended their long vigil and touched the door of their father’s tomb, whispering their final farewells. The caste-nobles gathered where the corridor led out, patiently waiting for the Lifesinger priest to appear. When he finally arrived, he struck his harp and the caste-nobles moved through the corridor.

Their father had lived a long life and thus the corridor was lengthy as well, full of momentous murals depicting his triumphs. As the mourners progressed, an ethereal voice called them to join him in death. When the caste-nobles faltered and some turned back to the tomb, the Lifesinger raised his voice and strummed his harp to guide them into the light. All left the tomb.

As the caste-nobles exited, their father’s favorite slaves were ushered in. They heard their master’s voice beckoning them closer, and without the harp to guide them out, they disappeared into the dark.
— Excerpt from Maruvian Death Rites, chapter IV.

Music, like death, is forever. The chords of sorrow are universal. The Maruvians believed this, and their traps incorporate this aspect of their culture. A Maruvian corridor of remembrance is a hazard the party will not soon forget, and indeed, it is one they may never leave.

Corridor of Remembrance

“Faint murals cover a long corridor.”

A DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check reveals these murals belong to the Maruvian burial tradition. Succeeding on the check by 5 or more means that the PC recalls the excerpt at the start of this writeup. The DC for a bardic knowledge check is only 18, as the Maruvian culture had a great impact on oral and musical traditions.

A DC 15 Search check reveals that the corridor’s murals harbor many tiny tubes that seem to lead to a mechanism of sorts. The corridor of remembrance only activates when creatures try to leave the tomb, entering the tomb is quite safe.

When the PCs try to leave the tomb, their movement forces air through the tiny tubes, creating an ethereal, sorrowful tune that tries to lure them back into the tomb. Treat this as a bard’s fascinate ability. The trap has 10 ranks in Perform and can fascinate up to 6 creatures at a time.

Corridor of Remembrance Trap

CR 2, 5 or 8; mechanical; proximity trigger; automatic reset; sorrowful tune, Will save DC 1d20+10 negates fascination or confusion if the trap is meddled with; multiple targets (up to 6 creatures); Search DC 15; Disable Device DC 29. Market Price 8,000 gp.

The corridor is a difficult trap to escape, but trying to disable the trap is where the true danger lies. While the tiny tubes can be plugged, if one is not careful, the attempt changes the trap’s notes and it plays a more dangerous tune as a result. See the Disable Device Table below.

TABLE: Disable Device

Disable Device
is failed by
Result Caster Level New CR
5+ lesser confusion 10th 2
10+ confusion 10th 5
15+ insanity 10th 8

Failing a disable device attempt can make the trap deadlier. The PC remain in the tomb ion a result of 51-70 on the confusion spell table. If this occurs, roll again.

Design Notes
This trap goes where no trap has gone before. Be careful about how it is placed, and make sure there are clues about its existence.

Increasing the deadliness of the corridor of remembrance trap

Increasing the Perform ranks of the Corridor of Remembrance trap enhances its deadliness. For every 3 ranks that you add, up the CR by one. Increasing the Disable Device DC by 5 will also up the CR by one.

In addition, the corridor can be combined with more conventional traps or animated constructs to increase its deadliness.
Circumventing the Trap
A bard can shine here if she uses her countersong ability, or a well placed silence spell. Putting candle wax into your ears may provide a +2 bonus to the Will save.

This free trap provided by the kobolds of Kobold Quarterly. Subscribe today to the triple-ENnie nominated magazine for just $16!

3 thoughts on “Trapsmith: the Mauruvian Harp<br /> and the Corridor of Remembrance”

  1. The Wizard of Celn

    I love this trap, and will definitely be looking for the right place for it. But which spelling of the eponymous harp is correct? The one in the title or the one in the text?

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