Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Your Whispering Homunculus: At the Horse Fair, Part 2

Master Pett’s Your Whispering Homunculus presents only the finest in British gaming. Indeed,  you  likely are not to find a more comprehensive assortment of miscellany around. (So much more than just another bloke in a dress.) [At the Horse Fair, Part 1] ___ This sample annual fair takes place on a large meadow and draws […]

Your Whispering Homunculus: At the Horse Fair, Part 2 Read More »

Advanced Feats: Secrets of the Alchemist Now Available!

You and your companions are trapped underground in a lightless hell with miles of lethal traps and hungry monsters between you and the surface. Betrayed… lost… your situation seems hopeless. But each of you has unique abilities: ways with the blade, the spell, and the fist that set you apart from other adventurers. Those abilities

Advanced Feats: Secrets of the Alchemist Now Available! Read More »

KotM2 Fight! Andrenjinyi (Rainbow Serpent)

Welcome to the King of the Monsters 2 finals (see the list of finalists): the andrenjinyi is random finalist 6 of 10. These submissions are left almost entirely as they were received with the exceptions that all submissions are posted with an image and are standardized to KoboldQuarterly.comstyle. Let the fight commence! ___ This gigantic, black-headed snake is

KotM2 Fight! Andrenjinyi (Rainbow Serpent) Read More »

KotM2 Fight! Ohsoram the Shattered King

Welcome to the King of the Monsters 2 finals (see the list of finalists): Ohsoram the Shattered King is random finalist 4 of 10. These submissions are left almost entirely as they were received with the exceptions that all submissions are posted with an image and are standardized to style. Let the fight commence! ___ The Unlucky

KotM2 Fight! Ohsoram the Shattered King Read More »

KotM2 Fight! Horakh

Welcome to the King of the Monsters 2 finals (see the list of finalists): the horakh is random finalist 3 of 10. These submissions are left almost entirely as they were received with the exceptions that all submissions are posted with an image and are standardized to style. Let the fight commence! ___ In the deepest

KotM2 Fight! Horakh Read More »

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