Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

It’s Alive!

Get ready to channel your inner Dr. Frankenstein as we launch March Monster Madness! During the month of March, we at the Dragon Age Oracle are running an AGE System Monster Design Challenge in partnership with Open Design/Kobold Quarterly. Check out the following threads on the Kobold forums: Best Midgard Monster: Any creature originally published by

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Your Whispering Homunculus: 100 Pointless Objects

Master Pett’s Your Whispering Homunculus presents only the finest in British gaming. Indeed, you are not likely to find a more comprehensive assortment of miscellany anywhere. (So much more than just another bloke in a dress.) [previously] __ “Flotsam, jetsam. Do you know their true names, underslug?” “You, lord and master are the brains.” “Indeed I

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Midgard: Order of the Septime Lancers

The Midgard campaign setting continues to develop setting, characters, and adventure hooks galore, but the patrons and designers are also venturing into Pathfinder RPG rules material. Here’s one result of that work. The Order of the Septime Lancers The constant warfare and border skirmishes of the Seven Cities spawn many mercenary companies and warrior orders.

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Encounter Codex: The Scribe’s Puzzle

Encounter Codex presents encounters you can quickly slot into any adventure. They are system neutral and easily adapted to any edition (and other game systems for that matter) with little effort—just add stats from your favorite monster manual. [previous encounter] __ Features of the Chamber • This cramped chamber has a domed ceiling nearly 15 ft.

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The earth beneath you shakes, heralding the approach of a massive construct. It wields a greatsword the size of a castle tower and shifts as if the metal it were made of had a life of its own. The Centurion is a unique construct, crafted by twisted, genius artificers. On first inspection, it’s a mere

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One Too Many (Voices in My Head): T’weren’t a Twerp, T’was a Twanger

Welcome to Greg “Yankee Dog” Vaughan’s One Too Many (Voices in My Head). His last, best chance to exercise those pesky demons. In his column, you’ll find… I really have no idea, but he gave me $20, so… all yours Greg! [previously] __ “Pass me the twanger,” said my friend, Harley Upchuck. “What did you

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Ask the Kobold: I Spy with My Little Eye

Q: My group has been discussing the nondetection spell and its usefulness against various divination spells. We’re divided into two camps, whose positions can be summed up as follows: Camp One: Nondetection works against all divinations spells, period. If you’re protected by nondetection no divination spell reveals anything about you unless the divination user makes

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Premonition Mural

Traps. Devices devious and deadly. Understood to be a crypt’s most treacherous wards. Many so ghastly they become emblematic of a particular tomb’s history and character. What the Dust Hides In the spirit of preserving the tomb’s reputation as a place of unparalleled danger, this article series offers 10 macabre new traps for use in

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The air shimmers around the charcoal-skinned, child-sized creature before you. It smiles a wide grin with a mouth full of needle-like teeth. Then it screams and throws a ball of fire at you. Gairn are nasty little fey which could easily pass for human children if not for their over-sized mouths of needle-like teeth and

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Kobold Site Move

The kobolds are moving to a new hosting arrangement for this site over the next 48 hours. If you see some gaps and glitches… Well, pardon the inevitable egg-breakage as we shift things around with a little thump here and a crash there. Everything should be back to the usual state of unbridled chaos creative

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