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Real Steel: VIDEO! Tetsu No Bo

Real Steel: VIDEO! Tetsu No Bo

TetsuboRemember the tetsubo?

Remember asking for some video of stuff getting cut and smashed? Good! Check this video out:

What else do you want to see? We can do videos on the subjects of previous written Real Steel articles, or we can do something completely new. Tell us what you want to see! If we like the idea and it’s practical, we may just give it a try.

What video is next? I’m thinking something “edgy.” As always, feel free to axe questions… have I offered you a Danish?

16 thoughts on “Real Steel: VIDEO! Tetsu No Bo”

  1. Oh Yeah!

    A nice big watermelon would have really sealed the deal.

    Re-read the original article, you can really see that controlling it is a problem, 11 pounds may be just too much for the average samurai, but after showcasing it on one peasant, the mob may want to disperse :-)

  2. @Alex Putnam – Thank you!

    @Darkjoy – Watermelon indeed! Couldn’t find a single piece of large fruit I was willing to sacrifice, though… When we do an edged weapon any fruit will do because we can still eat it when we’re done. This thing was gonna make it disappear!

  3. I think you did a Danish axe, though I’d have to check the archives to be sure.

    Do you have any interest in doing any armor pieces, or is this column strictly weaponry?

  4. Changed the format to embed the video. Part of me wants to see a Take 2 using green goop in that milk jug….

    Though you can also add me to the crew that wants to see a pumpkin vs Danish episode.

  5. @Kobold Quarterly – Thanks, Scott. Green goo, what a great idea – I’ll get it set up and you can come over and get slimed.

    I’m thinking pumpkin myself – I know exactly where there’s one just sitting around, waiting for Halloween to pass…

  6. @Doomedpaladin – The first video had a technical issue, so we did a redo and there are two busted blocks.


    One pic is the blocks as they fell, the other is after I reassembled them. The one on the bottom of the pic is from the video you saw – you can see the mark the strike made in the concrete, and there was a little concrete stuck to the steel.

  7. @Todd the Bladesmith – If you ever make it that far, I’d love to see an “Ares helmet.” (Yes, I know it has a name, and I can’t remember it right now.)

    Otherwise, I’d really appreciate a column that explains the different kinds of steel you’ve mentioned at various points.

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