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Giant-Size Fun All in One Place: Larger Than Life, a Pathfinder Supplement

Are your adventurers ready for a larger challenge? As in, physically larger—though size isn’t the only thing our collection of giants brings to your gaming table. Why not find out if they’re prepared? Larger Than Life gives you everything you need to bring these terrifying titans to your table. This 76-page book by RPG Superstar

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Judge’s Commentary: Monarch of the Monsters 5—The Gargoctopus and the Glasscrock

There were more amazing creatures submitted to the Monarch of the Monsters fifth edition contest than made it into the Top 6—it’s a testament to the quality of the work that we couldn’t decide on only a Top 5. Though I had numerous favorites that didn’t make it to the voting round, there are two

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Judge’s Commentary: Monarch of the Monsters 5—Low CR Design

One of the joys of a monster design contest for me is always seeing monsters at the low end of the CR spectrum. It is much easier to design a monster at a medium-to-high power level, because you have more options: the creature can have more powers, more magical fallbacks, and elements that only a

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Judge’s Commentary: Monarch of the Monsters 5—The Kryt and the Gargoctopus

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be bringing you some commentary from the three Monarch of the Monsters 5 contest judges regarding monsters that did not make it into the public voting phase. This week, Steve picks out two monsters to highlight. We invite you to share your own insights in the comments field below!

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Larger Than Life: Stone Giants Now Available

Strong as the Mountains and Deep as the Caves! Most stone giants spend their long lives in peaceful pursuits on the rocky peaks of mountain ranges: raising livestock, contemplating the passage of history, and educating captured adventurers about the tribe’s peaceable intentions before releasing them. But hotheaded young stone giants would rather change the world

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Larger than Life: Hill Giants Now Available

Nomad and Raiders! Hill giants don’t make world-dominating plans, but that makes them no less terrifying to their victims. Concerned mainly with finding food and shelter, these giants quickly consume all the game in their territory and start wandering into human settlements looking for easy prey—or enter service as shock troops for dragons and other,

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Monarch of the Monsters 5: Let the Public Voting Begin!

In the course of the Monarch of the Monsters 5 contest, we had a huge number of entries from many monster designers out there. Now you, the voting public, can pick which one you want to see win the Monarch of the Monsters 5 contest! Please familiarize yourself (possibly again) with the sixfinalists, then proceed

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Monarch of the Monsters 5 Finalist: Spire Walker by James L. Crawford

And now, with this post, we bring you the sixth finalist in the fifth monster contest that Kobold Press has run. Take a peek at the spire walker from James L. Crawford. Spire Walker When storm clouds gather over cities, harbors, and twisted badlands, electrical energies fill the air. During these times, miniscule fey dance

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Monarch of the Monsters 5 Finalist: Skein Witch by Sersa Victory

Today, from the virtual pile of monsters that enterprising and creative designers submitted, our judges provide you with the fifth finalist, untouched by the colorful pen of an editor. Welcome to the fifth finalist in the fifth monster contest that Kobold Press has run. Take a peek at the skein witch from Sersa Victory. Skein

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Monarch of the Monsters 5 Finalist: Xanka by Jeremy Hochhalter

Though the number of beasties that the judges handled was daunting, we have another finalist for the fifth monster contest that Kobold Press has run. Today we have the xanka from Jeremy Hochhalter. Come look at the unedited creature submitted by the fourth of our five finalists. XANKA These small globes of metal have three

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Monarch of the Monsters 5 Finalist: Chronalmental by David Gibson

Carefully feeling their way ahead, our judges evaluated the multitude of monsters they received for this contest. Now you too may see an unedited sampling of the creative entries we received as a part of the fifth monster contest that Kobold Press has run. Without further ado, we have the chronalmental from David Gibson. Come

Monarch of the Monsters 5 Finalist: Chronalmental by David Gibson Read More »

Monarch of the Monsters 5 Finalist: Fext by Dave Olson

Recently, our judges evaluated the multitude of monsters they received for this contest. Now you too may see an unedited sampling of the creative entries we received as a part of the fifth monster contest that Kobold Press has run. Without further ado, we have the fext from Dave Olson. Come look at the second

Monarch of the Monsters 5 Finalist: Fext by Dave Olson Read More »

Monarch of the Monsters 5 Finalist: Living Wicks by Ben Wertz

With both trepidation and excitement, our judges evaluated the multitude of monsters they received for this contest. Now you too may see an unedited sampling of the creative entries we received as a part of the fifth monster contest that Kobold Press has run. Without further ado, we have living wicks from Ben Wertz. Come

Monarch of the Monsters 5 Finalist: Living Wicks by Ben Wertz Read More »

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