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Advanced Feats: The Witch’s Brew, Now Available!

The new witch class for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game isn’t the friendly neighborhood Wiccan you might run into at Whole Foods but a figure of awe and dread that strongly evokes the medieval stories and legends surrounding its name. The class’s rich spell list and near-limitless use of hexes makes the witch a veritable fountain of […]

Advanced Feats: The Witch’s Brew, Now Available! Read More »

Trap Themes (Part 2 of 5): Curses of the Dread Pharaoh

Trap themes are templates that can be applied to existing traps to give them a distinct and shared flavor. Each theme presented introduces new powers—adding one does not affect a trap’s XP value, but upgrade a trap to an elite or solo if you apply two or more themes. [part 1] ___ Since the first expeditions

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The rogue swaggered down the alley and examined his prize, a sapphire liberated from a wealthy widow. He stopped short on hearing a squeak. A pair of rats glared at him from further down the alley. He drew his dagger and strode towards the creatures, but his eyes went wide as the 2 rats became

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One Too Many (Voices in My Head): The Beat Down in O-Town

Welcome to Greg “Twinkle Toes” Vaughan’s One Too Many (Voices in My Head). His last, best chance to exercise those pesky demons. In his column you’ll find… I really have no idea, but he gave me $20, so… all yours Greg! [previously] ___ O-Town is what I call Oklahoma City… no, not normally, only when

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Real Steel: The Mystery of Steel—Magic and Magnetism

What is steel? An alloy of iron and carbon. How could something so apparently simple be the subject of so much myth, mystery, and debate? The short answer is that steel does some very strange things that we still don’t fully understand, and it is exponentially tougher and harder than the iron, copper, and bronze

Real Steel: The Mystery of Steel—Magic and Magnetism Read More »

Aviator Prestige Class

Dwarven ingenuity and gnomish obsessive curiosity are the perfect accoutrements needed for the aviator prestige class. These reckless few reject the notion that the gods intended flight only for those with wings. The aviator’s life-long pursuit is to fly, spending his dying days emulating the birds of the air. Unfortunately, this high-risk calling means for

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Spectral Wolf

The wolf is a natural hunter. Every instinct tells it to be ever aware, watching the world as if it were prey. Some wolves cannot shake this primal urge even in death. Lore (Nature DC 16): These great wolves no longer notice the passage of day and night. Their life is one eternal long hunt:

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Secrets of the Alchemist, Blowing Stuff Up

What are reviewers saying about Advanced Feats: Secrets of the Alchemist by Sigfried Trent, Open Design’s resource for expanding your alchemist PCs and NPCs for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game? I love the feats in the book. They are clearly well designed, taking into account the strengths of the class and add new options without being overpowering. The

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Your Whispering Homunculus: 50 Passersby

“Lord!” “Again, wormthing, what is it now?” “Surely, you cannot detail everyone the heroes meet in your quest, master?” “Make your point, useless implet.” “Master, I have devised for you a list of inconsequential passersby, just in case the brave heroes wander from your chosen path or if you need to flesh out someone they

Your Whispering Homunculus: 50 Passersby Read More »

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