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The Troubadour

Often confused with lay minstrels, fireside storytellers and scoundrels, the troubadour is a highly skilled chronicler of events, an orator, a counselor, and a musician. Relying on his or her ability to weave a convincing story, morality play, or sonnet, the troubadour is often seen among the upper crust of society. The adventuring or wandering

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Getting Games to Gamers: Haddon Heights RPG Club

So what does a principal of a high school do to increase school spirit and decrease inappropriate behaviors? He lets the students play games. During Spirit Week at Haddon Heights Jr./Sr. High School in New Jersey, principal and amateur game designer Ronald Corn instituted a convention-style activity day for the students. Instead of your typical

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Old Hat Monsters: Lions and Tigers and Bears, Equipped!

Man is a wingless animal with two feet and flat nails.” —Plato Humans dominate the Earth because we use tools, plain and simple. Animals are limited to genetic and behavior adaptations, while humans can adjust to new environmental hazards with technology. Fangs and claws simply cannot compete with swords and guns. We have even taken

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Book Review: In Thunder Forged—Iron Kingdoms Chronicles

In Thunder Forged: Iron Kingdoms Chronicles (The Fall of Llael, Book One) Ari Marmell 300 pages, Pyr Publishing Paperback, $18.00 ISBN 978-1616147730 In Thunder Forged is part of the Iron Kingdoms Chronicles, which are stories based on the Warmachine steam-powered fantasy wargame. I have never played Warmachine (sorry, Pedro), so I was not completely familiar

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