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The Far Side of the Table: “Teching” the Players

Welcome to the table. Today we talk about technology and players. This is part two of a three-part installment about “teching” your game. In the first part, we discussed the merits of projectors and digital battle maps. A much more challenging technology comes with cell phones, iPads, and other personal devices or “PDs,” for short. […]

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Your Whispering Homunculus: Evocative Words, Part Two

Evocative Words—Part Two “Hmm—Grimshall—that’s a word I haven’t heard used before. I shall use it today at the wicked-persons glovepuppet class. That’ll stump them.” Continuing last episode’s look at words, there are also names that can evoke a particular mood that have no meaning as well as those that use true words: a glance at

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The Far Side of the Table: “Teching” the Table

Upgrading the Game: “Teching” the Table There is an enormous amount of technology that can be added to the table. Initiative trackers, digital character sheets, rulebook PDFs, and virtual dice rollers make up a small number of possible additions players or GMs may use. Throughout this installment, I work to describe my own adventures in

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