Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Merry Monstermas!

Kobolds and gearforged and a golem that smashes Cackling liches and devils with lashes Wererats, and demons, and dragons with wings, these are a few of our favorite things! When the claw swipes, when the trap clicks, when you’re turned to stone, Gather a few of your favorite beasts, and maybe you’ll roll that saving

Merry Monstermas! Read More »

The Far Side of the Table: Who’s Telling the Story Here?

Welcome to the table. Tonight, my players split up across the town, and unfortunately, each wound up involved in deadly assassination plots. For a GM, a session like this may sound like a nightmare—multiple simultaneous fights across a split party. Yet as the night developed, I discovered an effective way to get the players to

The Far Side of the Table: Who’s Telling the Story Here? Read More »

Creature Codex: 5th Edition Monsters, Now on Kickstarter

Kobold Press is at it again, with a lethal and highly entertaining horde of 5e-compatible monsters to challenge new players and veterans alike. The Creature Codex will bring over 300 new monsters to 5th edition, including lotus golems, wasteland dragons, shadow goblins, and so much more. All Creature Codex Kickstarter backers can submit an original monster design

Creature Codex: 5th Edition Monsters, Now on Kickstarter Read More »

Midgard Expanded: The Travels of Lucano Volpe, or the Sky City of Sikkim

Having made our escape from the wicked spider slavers by means of Qatin’s gravity-defying magic, Agosto and I helplessly soared higher and higher into the sky. The exhilaration of freedom quickly gave way to stark terror. “Agosto!” I shouted. “We appear to be rising up into the sky at an alarming rate!” “That is true,

Midgard Expanded: The Travels of Lucano Volpe, or the Sky City of Sikkim Read More »

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