Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Getting There: Alternative Transportation

Non-magical transportation in our fantasy RPGs is most likely by horse or horse-drawn cart. This makes it difficult to cover more than 30 miles in a day. Such a limitation may slow an adventuring party seeking far-off destinations, hinder industrial operations like mining or lumber harvest, or present a strategic weakness for a kingdom. There […]

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The Far Side of the Table: Giving Players Metanarrative Information

Strass was lost. Surrounded on three sides by towering stone walls, he groaned in frustration and looked to his two companions. Val and Azreal stood nearby, arguing over a crudely drawn map. Taking out his axe, Strass felt the comforting weight in his hands. He smiled as he imagined using it on Faldren the deceiver.

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Creature Codex: Nightgaunt

The terrible outline of something noxiously thin and bat-winged descends silently from above—a faceless black being with smooth, whale-like skin and horns that curve toward each other. Its barbed tail lashes needlessly as it clutches the air with ugly prehensile paws. Nightgaunt Silent Malevolence. Nightgaunts never speak or smile, having only a suggestive blankness where

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On the Road with Phileus J. Abbertale: Into the Clouds

A journey facilitator such as myself puts faith in his senses but never fully trusts them. Reality isn’t always what you see and hear. Often times, feelings convey a truer understanding of the world around us than our tangible perceptions. An inexplicable hunch, an unnerving tingling, or a stray hair standing on end can sometimes

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Dungeons of Midgard: Academiae Caustiz

For 4th-level characters All the children are tucked away in their dormitories as Headmistress Galentha Kavezhen makes her final rounds about the quiet castle of Academiae Caustiz. The blood sister of the Order of Rosy Salvation pauses outside the doorway of the chapel to Marena—formerly the castle’s sanctuary to Wotan—and tries to shed the unease

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Welcome to Midgard: Edjet (Martial Archetype)

The peerless Edjet is the backbone of the mighty Dragon Empire’s military. These brutal warriors are trained to fight in deadly formations. Hardy and resolute, the Edjet are most commonly dragonkin, but lesser races sometimes surprise their scaled masters by aspiring to draconic perfection. Welcome, friend, to the world of Midgard. Maybe you’re brand new

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Your Whispering Homunculus: 100 Notable Kobolds, Part One

“Ah, slug, I want you to go into the upper east cellar and fetch Nadger for me.” “Upper east cellar, master. I’ve never been there before, but I happily perform any task you wish however dangerous or menial. Might it be impertinent to ask—since I’ve yet to meet the gent—who Nadger is?” “It is impertinent,

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Under the City: Vault of the Mad Mage

Among the various circles of treasure hunters, rumors speak of a dungeon built beneath mazes of streets and aqueducts, of a trove right under the noses of everyday citizens. According to legend, it was built by the former adventurer Zeres who elected to turn the tables on future generations of thrill-seekers and plunderers with his

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