Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Deep Magic - Mountain Druid

Entering a Contest? Here Are Some Helpful Tips

Gaming companies, especially Kobold Press, often hold design contests, asking contestants to submit a creature, encounter, or spell. These can be fun and exciting and a possible way to gain some attention and break into gaming publication. I managed to gain the attention of Kobold Press in 2013 by winning their Lost Magic contest. I

Entering a Contest? Here Are Some Helpful Tips Read More »

Warlock’s Apprentice: Horror in Roleplaying

Chances are you’ll only take a trip to Midgard’s Blood Kingdom if your gaming group enjoys a fair bit of horror in your shared roleplaying experience. If this is the case, you’re in for a treat, for the Blood Kingdom is rife with dread. If you’re relatively new to the horror genre or simply reluctant

Warlock’s Apprentice: Horror in Roleplaying Read More »

An Interview with Empire of the Ghouls Lead Designer Richard Green

Empire of the Ghouls is the latest offering from Kobold Press and their first hardcover 5th Edition adventure. It’s a tour de force, over three hundred fifty pages of setting guide, spells, creatures, NPCs, magic items, and an epic quest that takes players from 1st to 13th level. It’s been released alongside two related books,

An Interview with Empire of the Ghouls Lead Designer Richard Green Read More »

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