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The Ratatosk: Magical Items and Equipment of the Squirrel-Folk

Chaos Acorn Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) This acorn was harvested from a branch of the World Tree growing in a chaotic area of the void. A sheen of ever-changing colors decorates its smooth surface. You can use an action to eat the acorn. Doing so triggers a chaos magic surge. Roll percentile dice

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Ratatosk: Planar Guides and Squirrel-Folk Names

Clearly state the destination before departure. Get half-pay up front or a magically enforced promissory (usually backed by a geas spell) Use the quickest and safest route possible No “petting” the guide No squirrel jokes Fees. There is no standard rate for a ratatosk guide, and the payment varies widely from guide to guide. While

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Ratatosk: Holiday Celebrations and Religion

Holiday Celebrations The ratatosk are a joyful race who use any excuse to hold a celebration, party, or feast. Where other faiths, such as worshippers of Perun, have days honoring specific saints, every single day of the squirrel-folk seasonal calendar is marked by a holiday. The subjects of these holidays vary from obviously important to

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Ratatosk: Celestial Gossips

                                                                      Inspired by Norse mythology, specifically the Poetic Edda, the ratatosk are celestial humanoid squirrels who dwell in the extraplanar environment of the World Tree. Ratatosks are insatiable gossips and tricksters whose joy in gathering secrets is only eclipsed by their delight in spreading those gathered morsels of gossip in mischievous ways.  The squirrel-folk build

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