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Golden Scrolls: Becoming a Better Player

Frequent kobold contributor, Ben McFarland, wants to help your game. How? He has pulled together his list of influential works—or the Golden Scrolls of Dungeonmastering—that could drastically improve your enjoyment of this game we all love, from Monte Cook’s “Game Theories” column that runs in Kobold Quarterly to Robin Laws’ Robin’s Laws of Good Game […]

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Encounter Codex: Shrine of the Primeval Toad

“Encounter Codex” presents individual encounters that can be quickly slotted into any adventure. They are system neutral and easily adapted to any edition (and other games for that matter) with little effort—just add stats. ___ Patches of ochre fungi illuminate this yawning cavern with preternatural moonlight. A waterfall tumbles from a fissure in the high ceiling,

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Review: Eureka! 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters

It’s really an excellent time to be a GM; companies are falling all over themselves catering to us. The recent releases of the Dungeon Master’s Guide 2 by Wizards of the Coast and the simultaneously retro and forward-thinking GameMastery Guide by Paizo are both excellent sources of advice and tools for running a game, full of

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Gleam Shard

Gleam shards are small splinters of the massive crystal found at the blurred edge between the Abyss and raw chaos. They are 3-ft.-long crystalline structures that shift their coloration every few seconds, hurting the eyes of witnesses as they do so. They are content to serve and die for other beings, as long as it

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Dead Eyes and Battle Scars (Part 1 of 2)

By paragon tier, PCs have made it out of the neophyte stage and are professional adventurers. They walk with a confident strut, and their words carry the weight of experience. However, one thing always gives away an accomplished adventurer: the numerous scars. In fantasy games, wounds are often a transitory condition, represented through the abstract

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Mold Devil

Colored in various shades of gray, mauve, and olive, this fungal nightmare resembles a towering gargoyle or demon with many horn-like growths sprouting from its body to form vicious teeth and claws. Mold devils are sinister and twisted plant creatures that inhabit dense forests, waterlogged swamps, and large underground mushroom patches. While its normal form

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Ars Apocalyptica Magica: A Review of the Amethyst RPG

Amethyst: Foundations is a cross-genre roleplaying game supplement published by Dias Ex Machina and Goodman Games. It is set in a version of Earth where technology-disrupting magic has returned to a world where humans struggle to survive the fall of their civilizations. The game is based on the 4th Edition of the Dungeons & Dragons

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