Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Shadow Claw: A Guard Animal Gone Wrong (Part 2 of 2)

A cunning, vicious beast, the shadow claw strikes fear into the hearts of travelers everywhere. Originally an attempt by a cabal of wizards to engineer the perfect guard animal, the shadow claw now stands as an example of the consequences of hubris. See more about the shadow claw before diving into its statistics and tactics. […]

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Your Whispering Homunculus: A Plethora of d12 Tables (Part 1 of 4)

Master Pett’s Your Whispering Homunculus presents only the finest in British gaming. Indeed, you are not likely to find a more comprehensive assortment of miscellany anywhere. (So much more than just another bloke in a dress.) [previously] “What’s this strange object, master? I’ve just found it beside the wainscoting lying in dust.” “That, Licelet, is a

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The Kobold Vault is Closing! Hurry and Get Your Free Copy of Kobold Quarterly #14

The huge iron doors of the Kobold Vault are swinging shut, their mighty hinges squealing like Pörkmungandr, the giant Midgard Pig of Norse myth. You know what that means, right? No, not Ragnarok: it’s your very last chance to grab a FREE issue of Kobold Quarterly #14 before the vault finally closes. Go to the

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Oh, I’m Going to Get Killed Any Minute Now (Part 3)

(Also Titled: The Ongoing Diary of Thppgrg, Goblin Minion) Previously… (Hey, there are two parts to read first. Get to it!) DAY ELEVEN Crap. Casting spells not all that difficult; CONTROLLING said magical spells upon casting exponentially more impossible than ever imagined. Formal schooling in the arcane arts perhaps more important than previously expected. After

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No Picnic for Heroes

The Setup The peaceful village of Holfston is experiencing problems with insects—giant ant men to be exact. The villagers believe something has disturbed these creatures, pushing them out of their normal hunting grounds and into the village. The militia has fought hard to stave them off, but ant raiders recently wounded three farmers and absconded

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Shadow Claw: A Guard Animal Gone Wrong (Part 1 of 2)

A cunning, vicious beast, the shadow claw strikes fear into the hearts of travelers everywhere. Originally an attempt by a cabal of wizards to engineer the perfect guard animal, the shadow claw now stands as an example of the consequences of hubris. Appearance A typical shadow claw stands 7 ft. tall at the shoulders and

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Kobold Quarterly Submissions: Send Them Our Way!

So, you’ve written up the perfect ghastly encounter that has caused your players to shiver in their seat. Or maybe you’ve statted out a roguish creature who delights in tormenting your group’s adventurers. Perhaps you’ve fleshed out an artifact or relic in your game that you’d love to share with the world! Whatever the case,

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Oh, I’m Going to Get Killed Any Minute Now (Part 2)

(Also Titled: The Ongoing Diary of Thppgrg, Goblin Minion) Previously… (Seriously. Check out the previously if you missed it!) DAY FIVE New unintelligent undead arrived today. More accurately, the bodies of the attacking dwarven warriors have been re-animated to act as guards, and so has Sigvald. New arrivals are total jerks; at Jimbo’s suggestion, am

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Free Issue of Kobold Quarterly Now Through Feb. 14

Curses! Those dirty gnomes have staged their annual raid on our vaults, this time through a clever scheme involving ridiculous moustaches, a grappling hook, twenty pounds of cheese, and a windmill. While our kobold guards are off chasing the culprits, you can sneak in and download a FREE issue of Kobold Quarterly magazine. Go to

Free Issue of Kobold Quarterly Now Through Feb. 14 Read More »

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