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Your Whispering Homunculus: The Undiscovered Bestiary—Ochre Jelly (Part 2)

Your Whispering Homunculus: The Undiscovered Bestiary—Ochre Jelly (Part 2)

Your Whispering Homunculus

Cloying Poison Ochre Jelly (CR 7)

This ochre jelly is almost certainly one of many that have been deliberately created by alchemists and poisoners. The cloying poison ochre jelly exudes a contact poison that is difficult to remove. The jelly poison affects not only those slammed by the creature, but also those who touch it.


Cloying Poison (Ex) Contact; save Fort DC 16; frequency 1/round until washed off*; effect 1d3 Con; cure 2 saves.

*Generally, the cloying poison of the creature must be washed away, usually by a pint of water, but each jelly is different. Various liquids are used against individual jelly cloying poisons, including salt, strong alcohol, and even urine.

Rumours abound of a spitting cloying poison ochre jelly allegedly created by a group of cleric assassins called the Foaming Sisterhood.

Rotting Forest Ochre Jelly (CR 7)

This ochre jelly strain is found in the carpet of dead leaves and rot in forests, almost always around the edges of marshes and damp regions. It has a deep orange hue to its ochre, resembling decaying leaves. In addition to its standard powers, this jelly can animate plants in the vicinity.
Entangle (Su) A rotting forest ochre jelly can, as a free action, cause plants within 30 ft. of it to animate and grasp at its foes, holding them for the jelly to devour at leisure. This ability is identical to an entangle spell (CL 6th, DC 13). The save DC is Wisdom-based.

Travis’s Horrid Enveloping Ochre Jelly (CR 8 )

This repulsive mound of fleshy ochre rot is similar to the suffocating ochre jelly but is more elastic and deadly. It has replaced its suffocating attack with a more dangerous engulf ability.


Engulf (Ex) If a Travis’s horrid enveloping ochre jelly begins its turn with an opponent of the same size as itself or lower constricted, it can envelop the foe completely by making a new combat maneuver check (as though attempting to pin the foe). If it succeeds, it engulfs the prey, its tendrils and tentacles suffocating its prey as they enter its orifices. The opponent takes 2d4+6 plus 2d4 acid damage as the fluid the jelly is made of enters lungs, throat, and ears. The seal formed is airtight, and the foe risks suffocation from the attack. The opponent can attempt to escape the attack as though escaping a pin, but the victim cannot be targeted by effects that require a line of sight.

The jelly can continue to attack with its slam but cannot constrict more than one opponent since its interior muscles are absorbed in suffocating its prey.

Travis’s horrid enveloping ochre jellies are said to regularly reach Gargantuan size and are used by certain subterranean races (in particular troglodytes) as holy punishments to those who transgress their religious doctrine. Chambers and whole mazes full of such creatures are rumoured to exist; the great gnome explorer Travis Shoggwhelpt encountered the first such creature in his legendary Subterranean Quests.

Mortician’s Ochre Jelly (CR Variable)

In certain cults, the practice of burying a deceased person with an ochre jelly to protect the goods and soul of the fallen is commonplace. More distinguished corpses are often buried with an ochre jelly that is used as a special receptacle for their souls. After a time, the soul is fully absorbed into the ochre jelly and is born as a ghost. The ghost is bound to the ochre jelly body in the same way that a lich is bound to its phylactery; as long as the soul receptacle lives, the ghost cannot be destroyed.

Some unfortunate adventurers have encountered these receptacles, thinking they are mere common ochre jellies and despatched them with relish, only to find the comrades of the fallen looking for them.

3 thoughts on “Your Whispering Homunculus: The Undiscovered Bestiary—Ochre Jelly (Part 2)”

  1. Morgan Boehringer

    A nice and putrid bunch of ochre jellies. I particularly liked the Rotting Forest and Mortician Ochre Jellies. Really though you’re providing logical extensions to the jelly phenomenon with evocative flavour and clear mechanics. Cloying Poison ochre jelly! quick! Fetch me some urine…No, wait….. never mind. It’s gone now…. ;)

  2. Morgan Boehringer

    A nice and putrid bunch of ochre jellies. I particularly liked the Rotting Forest and Mortician Ochre Jellies. Really though you’re providing logical extensions to the jelly phenomenon with evocative flavour and clear mechanics. Cloying Poison ochre jelly! Squick! Fetch me some urine…No, wait….. never mind. It’s gone now…. ;)

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