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ToV Tuesday: The Valiant 6 arrive! Bring the action home to your games

ToV Tuesday: The Valiant 6 arrive! Bring the action home to your games

To accompany the launch of Tales of the Valiant, Kobold Press has cooked up the Valiant 6, our iconic characters.

Here are images and downloadable PDFs of 4th-level PCs ready for action. Use them to help new people to your game or as a resource for conventions and store play!

Elf Rogue, Elaizon Hailsigh

Human Fighter, Ghada Zayd

Orc Mechanist, Hendrian Kaska

Human Cleric, Seno Fosh

Dwarf Wizard, Unthar Shalehart

Kobold Warlock, Zalbikar Andrialix

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