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Monster Mix: What happens when you cross a rust monster and a metallic dragon?

Intelligent alien creatures such as aboleths, as well as the occasional mad wizard or capricious deity, enjoy tinkering with creatures to make them more suited for their environments or just as a thought exercise. This article combines two classics: the rust monster and a selection of metallic dragons.

Monster Mix: What happens when you cross a rust monster and a metallic dragon? Read More »

Mharoti Master Chef: A Background

Food, an essential—and delicious—component of life. Those that can work its magic are highly valued in any culture. Fine victuals are cherished in politics, business, and religion throughout Midgard, and you aspired to no less than the exceptional and the exotic. You were destined for more than lording over a three-star Trioloan restaurant or cooking aboard a luxury Siwali

Mharoti Master Chef: A Background Read More »

Beatific Drake

(Illustration by Chris McFann) It’s raining drakes! Find a whole slew of these fierce mini-dragons in the Book of Drakes. Masters Daigle and Welham can show you the way… __ This miniature dragon, radiating near-blinding illumination, flies effortlessly toward a group of shambling zombies. The creature bursts into an improbably brighter ball of light, and

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(Illustration by Chris McFann) It’s raining drakes! Find a whole slew of these fierce mini-dragons in the Book of Drakes. Masters Daigle and Welham can show you the way… __ An impossible combination of spider and dragon stares at you with its six eyes while its mandibles clack in hunger. Hundreds of bright red spiders

Arachnidrake Read More »

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