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Operation Shield

Book Review: Operation Shield—A Cassandra Kresnov novel by Joel Shepherd

Cassandra Kresnov is not human. She is a synthetic—a manufactured being that has been designed for violent action. Operation Shield opens with a fight on the planet of Droze, a hive of scum and villainy. It seems that a localized rebellion of her fellow synthetics, or GIs as they are called, has started, and Cassandra

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Book Review: The Dagger of Trust, Pathfinder Tales

The Dagger of Trust, Chris Willrich 400, Paizo Publishing ISBN-13: 978-1601256140 Gideon Gull is a bard in training—actually he is dual majoring in the bardic arts and becoming a spy/assassin. The college he attends is the Rhapsodic College, and right below it is the Shadow School. While finishing his training, Gideon is haunted by a

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Review—The Gathering: Reuniting Pioneering Artists of Magic: The Gathering

I wasn’t expecting my copy of The Gathering: Reuniting Pioneering Artists of Magic: The Gathering for at least a couple of weeks. The Kickstarter notifications had recently gone out, and with the polar cold tightly gripping the Northeast, I presumed I’d have to wait a bit before I’d be allowed to thumb through it.

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Book Review: Stalking the Beast, Pathfinder Tales

Stalking the Beast: Pathfinder Tales Howard Andrew Jones 400 pages, Paizo Publishing LLC Paperback, $8.80 ISBN 978-1601255721 A monster is attacking people across the River Kingdoms, but this isn’t just any creature. This monster is soundless, invisible, and deadly. People are getting desperate, and they turn to the elf ranger Elyana and her friend and

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Book Review: The Adversary, Book III of The Sundering

The Adversary, Book III of The Sundering Erin M. Evans 432 pages, Wizards of the Coast Paperback, $7.19, Kindle $15.37, Hardcover $ 16.77, Audiobook CD $10.11 ISBN 978-0786963751 As the title of this review suggests, this is the third book in The Sundering series. If you are not familiar with this series, get thee to

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Book Review: The Secret of Abdu El Yezdi (A Burton & Swinburne Adventure)

The Secret of Abdu El Yezdi Mark Hodder 290 pages, Pyr Paperback $18.00; Kindle $8.69; Audiobook CD $10.11; Audible $25.95 or free ISBN 978-1616147778 After the assassination of Queen Victoria, a cabal of important men whose names could easily fill the all-star team for their time (King George IV, Prince Albert, and others) have been

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Book Review: The Scroll of Years: A Gaunt and Bone Novel

Chris Willrich 270 pages, Pyr Paperback, $15.95, Kindle $8.69 ISBN 978-1616148133 Some people take being partners in crime to a whole new level, and Persimmon Gaunt and Imago Bone are “those” people. Gaunt is a bard. Well, she’s a poet (close enough) who craved adventure and was fascinated by the undead from a very young

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