Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Warlock’s Apprentice: Winterfolk Halflings, the Hidden People of the Plains

The Small Folk of Domovogrod The origins of the winterfolk are shrouded in mystery. Sightings of them are so rare in most parts of the world that some doubt they exist at all. Sages debate whether or not they were a distinct people prior to the Great Retreat or if they were once courtfolk or

Warlock’s Apprentice: Winterfolk Halflings, the Hidden People of the Plains Read More »

Inbar’s Guide to the Northlands: To Thrymheim

Dearest Mother and Father, Circumstances in Gastropnir have become difficult to bear. New elements in the settlement have made it dangerous to be anything other than a giant. I am leaving today to journey to Thrymheim, another giant community. To do so though, I must brave a cold so vicious I cannot describe it.

Inbar’s Guide to the Northlands: To Thrymheim Read More »

From the Archives: Delving Deep with the Dwarves of the Iron Crags

“The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep.” —Saruman, The Fellowship of the Ring While the Mines of Moria might fall outside the scope of our tabletop, in today’s From the Archives article, we’re nonetheless going to take a deep delve into the realm of the dwarves of Midgard, specifically those in the Iron Crags.

From the Archives: Delving Deep with the Dwarves of the Iron Crags Read More »

Midgard Ley Magic: Revisiting Ley Lines

We’ve enjoyed playing spellcasters in our favorite fantasy roleplaying game for decades. Clerics receive powers as favors from the gods while warlocks literally sell their souls to fiendish (and other) patrons, but what about arcane casters like wizards and sorcerers? Schools of magic like illusion or abjuration dictate the nature of specific spells and effects,

Midgard Ley Magic: Revisiting Ley Lines Read More »

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