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One-on-One Roleplaying: Adapting Tales of the Old Margreve

There were many reasons that we were excited when Tales of the Old Margreve came out. Firstly, the vast majority of Beth’s PCs have been druids, so we were immediately interested in something with a heavy emphasis on a mysterious and ancient forest. Secondly, this book features a series of adventures that can stand alone

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Play with Class: Draft a Dynamite Druid

Role of the Druid Druids have a great deal of freedom in what role they fill in an adventuring party. If a party doesn’t have a standard healing class, druids can fit into that category nicely. If healing is already covered, they can become DPS (damage per second) machines with their killer selection of blasting

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Rogue’s Gallery: Galdvyr Steadystone

Hunter of the Damned. During his many northern crossings, Galdvyr has successfully led numerous expeditions through encounters with its many dangers, such as giants, werewolves, and fey. None of those creatures bedevil him as much as the walking dead though. Galdvyr despises vampires in particular, viewing them as unnatural parasites. He has a dream of

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Harbingers of the Yawning Void: Dark Magics and Fell Relics

NEW CULT SPELLS These spells have been developed by the cult. CURSE OF DISSOLUTION 4th-level necromancy (Void)Casting Time: 1 actionRange: TouchComponents: V, SDuration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You speak a phrase of Void Speech as you touch a creature. That creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be cursed for the duration

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Tripping on the World Tree: Reading the Warlock Guide to the Planes

Next, the guide specifically details seven separate planes, specifically the Infinite Halls (Seven Heavens of Celestial Light), Silendora (Summer Lands of the Elves), Valhalla (including the Storm Court and Geirrhöth), Klingedesh (the Marketplace), Ravatet (Plane of Gears), the Evermaw (Plane of the Undead), and finally Ginnungagap (the Yawning Void). Each section describes locations of interest

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Warlock’s Apprentice: An Ode to Randomness

Creating material for roleplaying games isn’t the same as engineering a new smartphone or finding ways to speed up an assembly line. Those tasks are tethered to the real world. The most revolutionary manufacturing idea ever conceived is in fact worthless if it depends on technology that can’t be built. RPGs, on the other hand,

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Harbingers of the Yawning Void: Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks, Part 2

LEVELS 10–12 A major metropolis is in turmoil. The city-state is on the verge of total anarchy. A disease has broken out in the poorer sections and threatens to become a full-borne plague, even though those quarters have been locked under quarantine under threat of death. Doomsayers walk the streets, prophesying the end times. Suicides

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Dungeon Tables: Travel Challenges and Complications, Part 3

Jungle 1d10 Challenge/Encounter 1 A giant ape, watching the party from the canopy. 2 Two awakened shrubs and an awakened tree, or one shambling mound, unhappy at the intrusion.  3 Overgrown Path. The vines and vegetation have overtaken the path. The PCs must succeed a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check in order to continue in

Dungeon Tables: Travel Challenges and Complications, Part 3 Read More »

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