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Open Design Podcast 6:
Laws, Connors, Macklin

Despite the vagaries of illness and uncertain guests, the Open Design Podcast has delivered another fine — and free! — show. Regular John Wick delivers his Wicked Fantasy segment with style, and yours hosts are me, Rone Barton, and Ed Healy. Our lead guest this time out is design innovator and legend Robin Laws (of […]

Open Design Podcast 6:
Laws, Connors, Macklin
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Monster Mayhem: Things of Madness and Desolation, a Miscellany (Part 5)

Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box for adventures with predominantly mad monsters, particularly in their relationships with the PCs. Spellcasting, for example, offers you an option to introduce variations on standard events, and the variation on scrying below is offered as one such example. Others possible spells that may rip the thin

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Monster Mayhem: Things of Madness and Desolation, the Feats (Part 4)

If there is one thing you can say for certain about aberrations, they are all different. They are defined by their strange, twisting natures. Nowhere else can you find such diversity—even between related individuals. The perversity of their form and function knows no bounds. Aberrant, Perverted [General] This sickening monstrosity is an affront to the

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Monster Mayhem: Terror Bird

Fast and furious, terror birds run down prey with single-minded intensity, shredding and devouring warm flesh with seeming enthusiasm. These large, flightless predatory birds are often apex predators in primeval forests and grasslands. With formidable beaks and talons, both massive and razor sharp, these birds easily disembowel creatures with a single swipe. Terror Bird Lore

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Monster Mayhem: Things of Madness and Desolation (Part 3)

Occasionally aberrations mate with other races to observe the outcome or to carry out bizarre and inhuman experiments to learn or simply amuse themselves. This template is the result of this terrible act. New Monster: Stricken Aberrant [template] It had once been a dragon—that much was certain. Its bone white flanks towered above us like

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Monster Mayhem: Things of Madness and Desolation (Part 2)

There’s something down there. The waters around the sunken and forgotten City of the Nadir pollute everything that comes too close and taint all that enter its twisted ruins. Occasionally, parts of the mad city rise to the surface for a night, a month, or even a lifetime of man. Spawned in the City of

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Monster Mayhem: Things of Madness and Desolation (Part 1)

The face, if face was the correct word, was ashen. This was no earthly creature but a thing from somewhere wrong. And as the waterspout engulfed the ship, the creature before me bowed obsequiously to its tentacled master, now rising from the boiling ocean. ­­­­­­­­­­­ This, then, was merely the slave. I began to sob

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