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Death’s Door: A Few Diseases More

Death’s Door: A Few Diseases More

DiseaseAs promised in Kobold Quarterly  #12, here are more diseases to throw at unsuspecting adventurers.

Iron Rot (Level 3 Disease)

Rusted metal of all sorts, from old sword blades to discarded nails, carries iron rot. The victim’s joints slowly stiffen until movement of any kind, even speech, is impossible…

Attack +6 vs. Fortitude
Endurance improve DC 15, maintain DC 10, worsen DC 9 or lower

The target is cured.
< Initial Effect The target is slowed.
< > Final State The target is immobilized and falls prone. The target can take no actions including free actions.

Vectors The Kobold Ghetto is a breeding ground for iron rot. The traps guarding the underground warrens often transmit the disease to a person caught in their machinations. This makes it easy for the kobolds to apprehend trespassers, who are subsequently held for ransom or sold as slaves.

Night’s Delusions (Level 4 Disease)

This disease travels on the blades of weapons. At first, sufferers feel a sense of elation, but this gradually leads to dreamlike illusions.

Attack +8 vs. Will
Endurance improve DC 16, maintain DC 12, worsen DC 11 or lower

The target is cured.
< Initial Effect The target takes a -2 penalty to Will defense but also gains 10 temporary hp. Once the temporary hp are lost, roll an Endurance check to determine if the target enters the final state, otherwise roll as normal.
< > Final State The target must succeed a saving throw whenever it tries to take an action, or it loses that action.

Vectors The Mouse King has hit upon a brilliant plan to defeat rival gang The Great Hunters and their barghast leader—infect them with night’s delusions. All that is required are a few brave individuals willing to coat their weapons in the pestilence and attack them.

The Fugue (Level 6 Disease)

Stale tomb air and fouled water transmit the fugue. Those afflicted report waking up in places or circumstances in which they have no memory of entering.

Attack +11 vs. Will
Endurance improve DC 17, maintain DC 12, worsen DC 11 or lower

The target is cured.
< Initial Effect The target is dazed.
< > Final State The target is no longer dazed and walks in a random direction. The target can take no other actions. After one day, the target can act and move normally. The final state reoccurs once the target has taken three extended rests. This repeats until the target is cured.

Vectors The PCs find themselves in the bedchamber of a wealthy merchant, the man with a knife in his chest, and the estate’s guards banging at the door. The party must figure out how they got into this predicament, clearing themselves of murder.

Sailor Fever (Level 8 Disease)

Often thought to be the reaction of a sailor who has lost his mind after too many days at sea, this disease spreads through flea and tick bites and manifests anywhere those vermin are plentiful.

Attack +11 vs. Will
Endurance improve DC 18, maintain DC 15, worsen DC 13 or lower

The target is cured.
< Initial Effect The target is dazed.
< > Final State The target is no longer dazed but makes basic melee attacks against the nearest creature for 1d6 rounds then falls unconscious (save ends).

Vectors An epidemic of sailor fever rips through Zobeck. No matter what measures the authorities take, the infection spreads, and the populace is grumbling about filthy bargemen contaminating the city. The bargemen’s guild master is eager to track down the disease’s source, which contrary to public opinion is a flee-infested sheep carcass in a trash heap outside a slaughterhouse.


Can I help you? Death you say. Oh, well… you have the wrong address. Yes, you want the next website over. No worries. Happens all the time. Take care.

Please, wash your hands before giving any comments below.

5 thoughts on “Death’s Door: A Few Diseases More”

  1. Iron Rot reminds me of the two most uncomfortable, yet not necessarily lethal, illnesses to get at the same time that I’ve ever heard of. Lock-Jaw and Sea Sickness.

    The “Final States” for Fugue and Sailor Fever should subject those infected to some other mentally debilitating state to explain the loss of memory and craziness. Maybe ‘Confusion’ for Fugue and ‘Rage’ (as a Barbarian) for the Fever?

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