Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

The Secret to Paizo’s Success, According to Sean K Reynolds

Welcome back for the second part of our SKR interview, in which we finally learn the secret of lobsteak and of Paizo’s success. Also, he explains how and when he’ll be playing 4E! If you missed Part 1, it’s easy to catch up. Jones: You have been involved in developing games both before and after

The Secret to Paizo’s Success, According to Sean K Reynolds Read More »

The Awesome-ication of the PATHFINDER RPG: The Grand Design of Sean K Reynolds

Sean K. Reynolds is the developer on Paizo’s PATHFINDER roleplaying game, but he didn’t start his career there. It took him a while to land at Paizo Publishing. In 1995, Sean left his job at a video game company to become the online content coordinator for TSR. When Wizards of the Coast bought out TSR

The Awesome-ication of the PATHFINDER RPG: The Grand Design of Sean K Reynolds Read More »

Monday Monster: Ychen Bannog, Great Beasts of Burden

The hill moved, which of course is ridiculous. Then I heard deep breathing and the crash of the willow coppice as the creatures—for there were two—came into view. The ychen bannog of legend: longhaired oxen the size of churches, flanks steaming in the morning mist from a night’s toil while crows danced about their horns.

Monday Monster: Ychen Bannog, Great Beasts of Burden Read More »

Hidden Assumptions: A Pact with Dario Nardi

By day, Dario Nardi is a lecturer at the University of California Los Angeles, where he teaches classes in “artificial intelligences and robotics, personality and organizational behavior, modeling and simulation of complex systems, and undergraduate curriculum design.” He uses computer models, group simulations, and he encourages students to pursue their own interests in their own

Hidden Assumptions: A Pact with Dario Nardi Read More »

Behind the Spells: Instant Summons

Welcome back to Behind the Spells, the series that provides a historical background, secret effects, and related material to classic spells of the world’s most famous fantasy roleplaying game. The rules (presented after the “Spell Secret” header) are compatible with any 3.5/OGL fantasy game, and the background weaves the spell into the lore of the

Behind the Spells: Instant Summons Read More »

A Better Play Experience: a Conversation with Jason Bulmahn

As the lead designer for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (PFRPG), Jason Bulmahn has one job: produce a game that is true to the feel of 3.5e, but that offers “a better play experience.” And the word among the members of his design team is that Bulmahn has outdone himself. “Jason’s been working 24–7 on the

A Better Play Experience: a Conversation with Jason Bulmahn Read More »

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