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Green Light:
Tales of the Margreve Commissioned

Green Light:
Tales of the Margreve Commissioned

I’m happy to announce that Tales of the Old Margreve has reached the commissioning goal and is moving into design! The project has strong direction from the supremely talented design duo of Tim and Eileen Connors—and the raw horsepower of a hundred sharp and crafty GMs and designers, including RPG Superstar semi-finalist Jim Groves and Paizo designer Richard Pett!

The monsters and the new spell system are coming together under the concentrated effort of multiple brainstorms, and we have a whole set of tricks for GMs to make players fear the forest.

Senior patrons are putting a keen edge on their adventure ideas. The first adventure pitches go up for a vote this weekend. Join us as we get started!

2 thoughts on “Green Light: <br />Tales of the Margreve Commissioned”

  1. dang it guys, I told you to wait for me!

    Well, now I’ll just be paying a bit more, this project sounds way too good to pass up.

  2. This one is the fastest we’ve ever seen a commission met. I think the project is just better than most, and people have been jumping on board for that reason.

    Plus I suspect there’s carryover from the new patrons who saw Open Design for the first time with From Shore to Sea.

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