Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

The Kobolds Go Adventuring: Saturday Gaming at PaizoCon

Saturday at PaizoCon. You can hear the dice rolling. The Kobold GMs gather groups of players around them, and the fun begins in three different adventures. GM Adam Roy took his two sets of players through adventures called “Redcloak Ruckus” and “Grandmother’s Fire,” and Sigfried Trent ran an adventure called “Gravebinder’s Daughter.” You can see […]

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Tips from the Kobolds: Improvisation & Game Mastering

Three intrepid kobold panelists joined forces at PaizoCon to discuss the topic of improvisation and game mastering: Adam Roy, Wolfgang Baur, and Jeff Grubb. What did these three masters have to say? Let’s start with something basic: Improvisation (or “improv,” as some say) is how you deal with a situation for which you weren’t prepared,

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A Kobold Tells All at the Secrets of Small Press Publishing Panel

It’s Saturday at PaizoCon 2011. A crew of panelists congregated in a not-so-hidden location to share their collective wisdom and secrets regarding small press publishing. Among these industry worthies: Wolfgang Baur (Open Design), Ryan Dancey (veteran industry professional), Lisa Stevens (Paizo CEO), Dale McCoy (Jon Brazer Enterprises), Stan! (Super Genius Games), Scott Gable (Zombie Sky Press),

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The Madman at the Bridge: An Adventure at PaizoCon

The situation was dire! The great Puffing Bridge drawbridge that connects eastern and western Zobeck had malfunctioned. Worse yet, the clockwork guards in the area were attacking anyone trying to get near the gatehouse. The kobold workers in the ghetto would be late for their jobs in the mines and workshops if something was not

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Booth Report Day One: Hoist the Banner!

The Kobold Quarterly booth was loaded with new releases—Complete Advanced Feats, Streets of Zobeck, Northlands, and Lost City come to mind—and with kobold staffers chatting about what’s new and where Pathfinder is headed. The Midgard banner got some compliments, and the freebies were popular (no surprise!). We also had some ashcans (preview versions) of the

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Building a Shared World: Midgard

Sometimes a 60-minute panel can cover the entire history of a world. This one certainly did, with excursions into what works and doesn’t for Forgotten Realms, Mystara, and Golarion. Panelists Wolfgang Baur, Jeff Grubb, and Brandon Hodge talked about the project’s origins (homebrewed setting), goals (ambitious), and design approach (highly collaborative). More about the panel

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Blackeye’s Carriage

Anyone trying to navigate the busy streets and cluttered alleys of Zobeck knows the difficulty of getting anywhere in a hurry. Wherever a difficulty exists, especially in this city, someone will come along to ease the inconvenience for a price. Enter Blackeye, business-kobold, fixer, gossip, and patriot. With his specially-modified hay wagon and mighty (docile)

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Nothing to Declare

The full adventures in Streets of Zobeck cover noir, crime, and street adventures of all types, including introductions. This scenario is designed to segue an established party new to Zobeck into one of the adventures in Streets Of Zobeck. It provides a feel for the twisted machinations and greed-driven schemes the player characters will encounter.

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