Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

The Quest for One Thousand Dragons (Part 1 of 2)

Ok, full disclosure: I’m not really talking about 1,000 dragons. It’s probably closer to 304 or something like that, but you must admit, The Quest for About 304 (give or take) Dragons doesn’t have quite the same flair! Before we delve into my epic quest, a little background… I started playing D&D (good old 1st

The Quest for One Thousand Dragons (Part 1 of 2) Read More »

Advanced Feats: Might of the Magus is now available!

Who doesn’t want to be a master swordsman and a powerful mage at the same time? With the magus you can do exactly that – and players have been thrilled with the newest Pathfinder RPG class from Paizo’s Ultimate Magic. Advanced Feats: Might of the Magus by featmaster Sigfried Trent brings you 30 new feats

Advanced Feats: Might of the Magus is now available! Read More »

Bait & Switch: Fishers of Men

(Illustration by Chris McFann) It’s not easy being a monster in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Over time, adventurers and monster hunters have a significant impact on monster populations, leaving only the strongest, luckiest, and most cunning to survive. Sometimes, though, monsters band together to increase their chances. They use their powers to complement one another

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The Search for Relics of Power

In the past, we’ve done some fun contests featuring monsters. Monsters are great. We support monsters. We love monsters. But sometimes you need a little help fighting monsters, especially when one or more have completely wiped out your stalwart band of adventurers—several times. Kobolds, of course, recognize the necessity for adding a little firepower to

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The Complete Advanced Feats is Now Available!

Taking feats to the next level, the Complete Advanced Feats brings you all 180 feats from the popular and critically acclaimed Advanced Feats series. It’s time to take you character in brave new directions! More than just a list of feats, Advanced Feats gives you the designer’s commentary on each entry, class breakdowns for all

The Complete Advanced Feats is Now Available! Read More »

Tips from the Designing Better Feats and Traits Seminar

Kobolds Wolfgang Baur and Sigfried Trent joined forces at PaizoCon 2011 on Sunday. Their goal for this seminar: They wanted to provide you with some excellent tips and tricks for designing better feats and traits. To help fulfill this goal, we’ve collected the highlights from the seminar and posted them here. What’s the most important

Tips from the Designing Better Feats and Traits Seminar Read More »

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