Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Your Whispering Homunculus: For One Night Only—Trog-Kin (Part 2 of 2)

In the first part of this two-part series, you learned of the trog-kin template and how you could use it immediately in your game. Now we take that a step farther in the second part. Let’s start with some adventuring fun. Adventure—The Hive The encounter in the first part is merely an aperitif for coming

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Dark Roads and Golden Hells: The Singing Throat

Out in the Great Beyond, we’re in the last few weeks of pulling Dark Roads and Golden Hells all together (for the Pathfinder side of the project anyway). We have eight new planes gazetteered, more flavorful mini-locations than an elf could spend his whole life adventuring through, at least half a dozen planar roads (both

Dark Roads and Golden Hells: The Singing Throat Read More »

Journeys to the West: The Isle of Morphoi and Its Creatures (Part 4)

Venture again to the Isle of Morphoi, where we peer at the Morphoi hulk, which has been illustrated by Chris McFann. You can venture beyond the jump now to read the entire entry, and then head over to the Journeys to the West Kickstarter and join the crew if you want to see more about this

Journeys to the West: The Isle of Morphoi and Its Creatures (Part 4) Read More »

Weapons and Armor: A +2 What, Sir? (Part 2 of 2)

As noted last week here on the Kobold Quarterly blog, we’re continuing to look at an interesting option for presenting weapons and armor in your game. If you missed the first installment of this series, you can read the first part here. The following keywords are designed to substitute the numeric bonuses applied to armor,

Weapons and Armor: A +2 What, Sir? (Part 2 of 2) Read More »

Your Whispering Homunculus: For One Night Only—Trog-Kin (Part 1 of 2)

“I’ve noticed you using the word ‘sluglet’ again, sluglet.” “Master?” “Copying me. Mocking me, some might say. My old friend Inferdal the Dark Magentine noticed it only last week, and Mumpsicrumb the maid has twice commented upon it to me recently. You will cease this imitation.” “As you wish, mighty one, but I am merely

Your Whispering Homunculus: For One Night Only—Trog-Kin (Part 1 of 2) Read More »

Journeys to the West: The Isle of Morphoi and Its Creatures (Part 3)

In our ongoing look at the Isle of Morphoi, we take a look at the Nethysule, which has been illustrated by Chris McFann. You can venture beyond the jump now to read the entire entry, and then head over to the Journeys to the West Kickstarter and join the crew if you want to see

Journeys to the West: The Isle of Morphoi and Its Creatures (Part 3) Read More »

Weapons and Armor: A +2 What, Sir? (Part 1 of 2)

A fighter walks into a shop. “Gimme a +2 sword.” The shopkeeper nods. “Two swords coming right up.” “Not two swords,” the fighter says. “One sword. +2.” “Three swords, sir?” the shopkeeper asks. “I want a +2 sword,” the fighter repeats, slowly and deliberately. “Just one sword, but +2.” Clutching his patience, the shopkeeper raises

Weapons and Armor: A +2 What, Sir? (Part 1 of 2) Read More »

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