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Kobold Quarterly #22 Now Available

Kobold Quarterly #22 Now Available

Kobold Quarterly 22Summer’s here, and you know what that means! Flee indoors and play games until the fiery sky-ball no longer burns our skin with its cruel flames.

Seriously though, there’s enough great stuff in Kobold Quarterly #22 to keep you occupied all summer. Get it in print + PDF or PDF only and you’ll enjoy articles for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, 4th Edition D&D and AGE System. But wait, there’s more: we also have articles for Castles & Crusades and 13th Age! Old school, new school, and everything in between — this issue’s got it.

  • The archdevil Barbatos, gatekeeper of Golarion’s Hells by Paizo’s Wes Schneider
  • Dragonkin servitors of Midgard’s Mharoti Empire for D&D
  • Four monsters from Journeys to the West for C&C
  • 13th Age’s Escalation Die mechanic with conversion rules for other RPGs by Rob Heinsoo
  • AGE System rules for black powder weapons
  • An interview with Pathfinder RPG lead designer Jason Bulmahn

Here’s the full table of contents for this issue:

  • An awesome dragon-rider cover by Craig J. Spearing
  • Barbatos: Gatekeeper of Golarion’s Hells by Wes Schneider – Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
  • Dragonkin by Brian A Liberge – 4th edition D&D
  • Monsters of Morphoi by Christina Stiles with Ben McFarland – Castles & Crusades
  • Blood Brothers: Rogue Archetype by David Schwartz – Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
  • Elven Archer Magic by Charles Lee Carrier and Nicholas Milasich – Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
  • Weapons for a new AGE by Rodrigo García Carmona – AGE System
  • Dwarven Magical Rings by John E. Ling. Jr. – Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
  • Pathfinder Society Guide to Varisia by Alex Greenshields
  • Hold ‘Em for Questioning: Interrogation by Jeff Ibach – Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and 4th edition D&D
  • The Escalation Die by Rob Heinsoo
  • The Scaled Steamhall by Will Doyle – 4th edition D&D
  • Game Theories: The GM Influence on Character by Monte Cook
  • Howling Tower: Total Party Kill or Total Buzz Kill? by Steve Winter
  • Interview with Jason Bulmahn by Jeremy L. C. Jones
  • Ask the Kobold by Skip Williams
  • Free City of Zobeck: The Void of Veles by Wolfgang Baur
  • d20 Monkey by Brian Patterson
  • 10’x 10′ Toon by Stan!

Pick up Kobold Quarterly #22 today!

2 thoughts on “Kobold Quarterly #22 Now Available”

  1. What’s this you say? Castles and Crusades content in Kobold Quarterly? Well, color me thrilled. I’ll be buying my first issue…..right……now!


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