Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

King of the Monsters 3 Finalist: Karguth, the Hill That Eats

It is time to return to Monster Island and see which five of the creatures remain standing. Our judges have poked, prodded, and challenged each monster adversary, and today we have the second of the five available for you, the voting public, to look over and determine if its creator is worthy of the crown!

King of the Monsters 3 Finalist: Karguth, the Hill That Eats Read More »

Born Heroic: A Player’s Guide to Childhood (Part 1 of 2)

Not everyone opts to live the life of an adventurer. Some have no interest in seeing other kingdoms and no desire to explore dank dungeons for ancient riches. Others are too worried about highway bandits, goblin hordes, and marauding dragons to take the risk. Yet in every crowded city, bustling trade town, and backwoods village,

Born Heroic: A Player’s Guide to Childhood (Part 1 of 2) Read More »

Midgard Preview: Skincrawler Dragon

Art by Ted Reed Millions of shadow spiders crawl under this dragon’s translucent scales, pigmenting its pale gray flesh like shifting black sand snaking across its wasted frame. The dragon’s diaphanous wings sweep back from its shoulders to its withered forked tail. Its lips, permanently withdrawn from its toothy maw, snarl with menace, and a

Midgard Preview: Skincrawler Dragon Read More »

Delving into the Caves of Chaos with a New Iteration of D&D

Meatspray. That is the nickname my fighter earned within the first hour of playtesting D&D Next. Granted, as a player I naturally lean toward exploiting the rules—ever play Street Fighter 2 and get pinned in the corner by Ken or Ryu and then subsequently kicked over and over again into oblivion? Yeah, I am that

Delving into the Caves of Chaos with a New Iteration of D&D Read More »

Oh, I’m Going to Get Killed Any Minute Now (Part 18)

(Also Titled: The Ongoing Diary of Thppgrg, Goblin Minion) As ever, readers who are new to the diary, please scroll down a bit to where you see the Thppgrg tag. Click on it. Yeah, that’s right. Otherwise, if you missed part seventeen, you can just click here. (Art by Chris McFann.) DAY FORTY-EIGHT So, the show

Oh, I’m Going to Get Killed Any Minute Now (Part 18) Read More »

D&D Next: Shaping up to be a cookbook full of recipes for “Awesome”

My experience with the D&D Next playtest process over the past few months has been nothing short of amazing. My players and I have really come out of our shells, so to speak. Characters are developing more than ever, emergent storytelling is at the forefront of our games, and—most importantly—referencing game materials and rules has

D&D Next: Shaping up to be a cookbook full of recipes for “Awesome” Read More »

Midgard Legend: Titus Patrascu, Fallen Paladin of the Moon Goddess

As some of you know already, the Midgard Tales Kickstarter met its funding goals on Sunday! If you haven’t already seen what’s in the works for that, you can visit the Kickstarter page and find out. Thanks go out to all those who kicked in funds, and we’re looking forward to seeing what marvelous adventures

Midgard Legend: Titus Patrascu, Fallen Paladin of the Moon Goddess Read More »

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