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Bloodstained Ice: Monsters of the Arctic (Part 3)

The world’s arctic region is both a place of great natural beauty and an inherently deadly environment. Freezing waters can turn blood to ice in mere minutes. Avalanches can bury entire parties, hiding their bodies forever under a mountainside’s worth of snow. As deadly as the arctic is, a wide variety of monsters call it […]

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Creature Comforts: Frost Giants (Part 2)

With each installment of Creature Comforts, we take a deeper look into a legendary monster that adventurers might encounter while journeying through the world. In this installment, we tackle a creature of note, who you can drop into your campaign: Thrag Ice-Breaker. You can see more about frost giants and some useful spells in part

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The Many Spirits of the Shaman: Optional Rules (Part 5)

Designer Margherita provides us with a veritable harvest of options with which to play this week as she wraps up this shaman class series. Alternative Alignment Rule Many shamans can come from barbarian tribes, rather than savage tribes. A multiclass barbarian/shaman would be the ultimate berzerkir (real-world legendary figures who raged in animal form). As

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Blood-Stained Ice: Monsters of the Arctic (Part 2)

The world’s arctic region is both a place of great natural beauty and an inherently deadly environment. Freezing waters can turn blood to ice in mere minutes. Avalanches can bury entire parties, hiding their bodies forever under a mountainside’s worth of snow. As deadly as the arctic is, a wide variety of monsters call it

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The Many Spirits of the Shaman: Archetypes for the Shaman Class (Part 4)

Designer Margherita takes us into the world of skinchangers this week. Come walk on the wild side with this week’s exploration into shaman options. Skinchanger Skinchanger shamans goes a step farther in their relationships with the spirits: rather than summoning spirit guidse to fight at their sides, they let the spirit possess them, becoming powerful

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Creature Comforts: Frost Giants

With each installment of Creature Comforts, we take a deeper look into a legendary monster that adventurers might encounter while journeying through the world. In this installment, we start by taking a look at frost giants and adding to their basic description by giving them more spells. Frost giants are more intelligent and complex than

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