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The Many Spirits of the Shaman: Optional Rules (Part 5)

The Many Spirits of the Shaman: Optional Rules (Part 5)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti: The Day Dream

Alternative Alignment Rule

Many shamans can come from barbarian tribes, rather than savage tribes. A multiclass barbarian/shaman would be the ultimate berzerkir (real-world legendary figures who raged in animal form). As such, the GM might want to rule that barbarian shamans can have any nonlawful alignment, rather than any neutral alignment.

Shamans and Gods

Like oracles, shamans often hold a very loose relationship with the gods. Gods are less important to a shaman than the spirits they have to deal with on a daily basis; gods are distant, abstract figures, while spirits are near and present, and these spirits may bring more concrete and immediate benefits or misfortunes.

Even those shamans who revere gods tend to consider them as a group, more than individually. A shaman may worship a single god more than others, but, like an oracle, the shaman does not need to share its worldview or values. A shaman can have a very different alignment from the deity he or she reveres.

Shaman as Favored Class

Core Races

Dwarves: Add a +1/2 bonus to wild empathy checks to influence animals and magical beasts that live underground.

Elves: Choose an elven weapon. Reduce the nonproficiency penalty for that weapon by 1. When the nonproficiency penalty for a weapon becomes 0 because of this ability, the shaman is treated as having the appropriate Martial Weapon Proficiency feat with that weapon.

Gnomes: Add 1/2 uses/day to the summon spirit totem secret.

Half-Elves: Add 1 skill rank to the shaman’s spirit guide. If the half-elf ever replaces the spirit guide, the new spirit gains these bonus skill ranks.

Half-Orcs: Add 1 hit point to the shaman’s spirit guide. If the half-orc ever replaces the spirit guide, the new spirit has these hit points.

Halflings: Add 1 to the shaman’s base speed in natural environments.

Humans: Add one spell known from the shaman spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the shaman can cast.


Featured Races

Catfolk: Add 1 hit point to the shaman’s spirit guide. If the shaman ever replaces the spirit guide, the new spirit has these hit points.

Dhampir: Add one spell of the necromancy school to the shaman’s known spell list, regardless of whether it is on the druid/shaman spell list. The spell is learned at the highest level at which it is available to any class. The spell must be at least one level lower than the highest level spell the shaman can cast.

Ifrits: Add 1/2 to the shaman’s level for the purpose of determining the effects of one totem secret.

Orcs: Add one spell known from the shaman spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the shaman can cast.

Oreads: Add a +1 bonus to wild empathy checks made to influence animals and magical beasts that live underground.

Ratfolk: Add a +1 bonus to saving throws against poison made by the shaman’s spirit guide.

Sylphs: Add 1/2 to the shaman’s level for the purpose of determining the effects of one totem secret.

Tengu: Add 1/2 to the oracle’s level for the purpose of determining the spirit guide’s special abilities.

Undines: Add a +1 bonus to wild empathy checks to influence animals and magical beasts with the aquatic subtype.


Uncommon Races

Gripplis: Add a +1 racial bonus to Swim skill checks. When this bonus reaches +8, the shaman gains a swim speed of 15 feet (this does not grant the shaman another +8 racial bonus to Swim checks).

Kitsune: Add 1/4 to the shaman’s level for the purpose of determinating the shapes that the shaman can assume with wildshape.

Merfolk: Add one spell with the water descriptor to the shaman’s known spell list, regardless of whether it is on the druid/shaman spell list. The spell is learned at the highest level at which it is available to any class. The spell must be at least one level lower than the highest level spell the shaman can cast.

Nagaji: Add a +1 bonus to saving throws against poison made by the shaman’s spirit guide.

Samsarans: Add 1 hit point to the shaman’s spirit guide. If the shaman ever replaces the spirit guide, the new spirit has these hit points.

Vanaras: Add a +1 racial bonus to Climb skill checks. This bonus doubles in a forest or jungle.

5 thoughts on “The Many Spirits of the Shaman: Optional Rules (Part 5)”

  1. I know, seems like a horrible oversight!

    But perhaps the explanation is simply that kobolds are more likely to be dragonblood sorcerers or even alchemists than to follow the shaman’s path.

  2. Morgan Boehringer

    Very nice series Margherita! You have expanded the (expanded) shaman and provided wonderful options. I don’t have the Expanded Shaman yet, but after this series I’ll definitely be picking it up…

    P.S. How about favored class bonus for lizardfolk or gnolls? ;)

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