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Advanced Races 5: Ravenfolk Now Available

Few races in Midgard live amid so much rumor, suspicion and outright falsehood as the ravenfolk. They are condemned as solitary wanderers bearing misfortune, and praised as messengers from the gods. They are loyal comrades and treacherous thieves, brave warriors and contemptible cowards. But these truths, half-truths and lies conceal a greater mystery that very […]

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The Cult of the Charun: Initiates of the Mysteries

Initiates of the Mysteries wish to learn and gain power from Charun, the frightening escorts, guardians, and guides of the dead. One faction of the Initiates is led by Kyrios Kiseon (Master Undertaker) Mux. Wiping sweat from the crossed hammer and oar tattooed on his forehead, Mux flares his robe and climbs weathered stairs to

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The Cult of the Charun—What Are Charun?

“Four demons are painted upon the crumbling north wall. They are depicted as slaughtering warriors, then escorting the dead by chariot and boat. Carvings identify the four as Kharon, or Charun.”—The King’s High-Archaeologist (cataloging an ancient tomb unearthed during the construction of His Majesty’s Highway). What if life were just a dream? What if we

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The Random GM: Pits

From the genesis of the D&D game, random lists have been used to create, inspire, and complicate games everywhere. A GM is essentially keeping all the knowledge of a fabricated world inside his or her head, along with all the relevant laws of physics and mechanics, which are transformed into a living story around the

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Short Campaigns

One of the Gold-ENnie bloggers at Gnome Stew, Martin Ralya, has written a guest blog post for Kobold Press. You can read what he has to say about short campaigns and give some thought as to how you’d implement such a campaign at your own table—or jump in with comments on your own experiences running

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Magic of the Celestial Sea V – Akaya’s Armory

Despite their powerful magical abilities and natural aptitudes for spellcasting, living stars that choose to interact with other beings typically relish the visceral rush of melee combat and frequently have a weapon of choice with which they are highly expert. While most wield potent magic weapons from points around the Celestial Sea, a lucky few

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Grim Games: The Wishing Table, the Gold Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack

Do you ever wonder where some of the basic concepts for how magic items work in tabletop games come from? Sure, some of it came from more modern fantasy, but early folklore and fairy tales influenced those stories. In the story, “The Wishing Table, the Gold Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack,” we can

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Your Whispering Homunculus—Nevermore (Part 3)

Master Pett’s Your Whispering Homunculus presents only the finest in British gaming. Indeed, you are not likely to find a more comprehensive assortment of miscellany anywhere. (So much more than just another bloke in a dress.) “Our tale is almost at an end, huskface.” “But how does the tale end, master? Do the good ravens

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