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Dungeons and Dragons

Midgard Kickstarter for 5th Edition and Pathfinder is Live!

Like the strong, dark dwarven beer of the Ironcrags, the Midgard Kickstarter project has been a long time fermenting—and it’s now live! The dark roads await us, and the deep magic calls. Check it out here. This Kickstarter will bring a whole new world to 5th Edition, and expand the options for Pathfinder RPG players. We’re […]

Midgard Kickstarter for 5th Edition and Pathfinder is Live! Read More »

Deep Magic 5e - Chaos Magic

5th Edition Deep Magic: Chaos Magic Now Available

Unleash the Madness! The ability to channel and manipulate raw arcane power does not belong to sorcerers alone. A few wizards and bards have learned to dominate the chaotic energy of change itself, leading them along a narrow path that circles a pit of madness. Cling to the path, and avoid slipping into that roiling

5th Edition Deep Magic: Chaos Magic Now Available Read More »

Southlands Heroes Now Available – 5th Edition Compatible

When evil stirs in the Southlands, mighty heroes will arise. Southlands Heroes for 5e is now available in print and PDF at the Kobold Store, Amazon and DriveThruRPG! Demonic voices mutter and howl in the desert. Strange lights appear among the trees in the jungle’s depths; and packs of twisted creatures emerge at night to hunt

Southlands Heroes Now Available – 5th Edition Compatible Read More »

Hoard of the Dragon Queen cover

Hoard of the Dragon Queen Autographed Edition EXCLUSIVE at the Kobold Store

If you’ve paid attention to the Dungeons & Dragons news over the past couple of weeks, you know that Kobold Press designed two adventures to support the upcoming Tyranny of Dragons storyline—Hoard of the Dragon Queen (out in August) and The Rise of Tiamat (October). These adventures are the first to work with the new D&D rules set. Now we’re

Hoard of the Dragon Queen Autographed Edition EXCLUSIVE at the Kobold Store Read More »

Rath Modar

Kobold Press Designed Tyranny of Dragons Adventures for the New Edition of the Dungeons & Dragons Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Somehow, words like “happy,” “pleased” or even “excited” don’t do this announcement justice. So just imagine the dazed grins on our faces when we say… …Kobold Press, working as a design studio for Wizards of the Coast, has designed two adventures to support the upcoming Tyranny of Dragons storyline—Hoard of the Dragon Queen (out in August)

Kobold Press Designed Tyranny of Dragons Adventures for the New Edition of the Dungeons & Dragons Tabletop Roleplaying Game Read More »

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