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Collection of Curiosities: The Goblin’s Charms and Amulets

Collection of Curiosities: The Goblin’s Charms and Amulets

"Jiro the Kobold" by Pat LoboykoGoblins end up with all sorts of random things, and some of them show up around their necks. You can roll randomly for a result below, or use the handy number provided with each entry to figure out your result on a d12. You can also pick the one that works for the area in which your characters currently linger.

d12. Curiosity

  1. The wire sphere on a string holds the skull of a tiny lizard.
  2. A glass vial has a few drops of silver liquid that smells like unwashed feet.
  3. A mithral mosquito dangles from a piece of dirty yarn.
  4. Five links of metal from an iridescent blue piece of chain armor dangle from catgut.
  5. It takes a moment to figure this out, but the necklace is that of shriveled noses.
  6. A tiny living cat is encased in an amber sphere, dangling from a gold chain. It paws at the amber.
  7. The necklace consists of the spines of a variety of animals. It looks as if the goblin was poked continually by its own chosen neck ornament.
  8. Broken arrows with bits of fletching are strung together with metallic wire.
  9. A tarnished silver pendant with a constellation marked on it dangles from woven horsehair.
  10. A squishy sac of some sort of bubbling liquid hangs from twine.
  11. This simple gold pendant that once probably showed a bearer’s reverence for a nature deity has been twisted into an X.
  12. The necklace once consisted of a variety of shaped quartz crystals—all of different colors—but the grime on them has dulled them into a grungy mess.

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