This Friday, we’re diving into the Campaign Builder: Dungeons & Ruins Preview PDF to highlight some of the Traps and Hazards in a quick, digital rollable generator.
We took all the Trap Tables from the Preview PDF and combined them into a random, ready-to-use, trap generator. With one click of a button, you’ll have a new trap ready to slot into a dungeon, add to an encounter, or inspire your next session.
The Preview PDF and trap generator show only a fraction of the final Traps & Hazards chapter! The book itself contains many more devious devices, practical guidance, easy-to-incorporate rules, and ready-to-play options.
Campaign Builder: Dungeons & Ruins ensures you have everything you need to fill locations in your game with all manner of magical and mundane dangers. Whether you want a bone chilling curse, a persistent environmental hazard, a wickedly malign mechanical trap, or anything in between, Campaign Builder: Dungeons & Ruins has you covered.
Visit the Kickstarter campaign to download the free Campaign Builder: Dungeons & Ruins Preview PDF and back it today! We’re so close to unlocking our next round of stretch goals and we can’t do it without your help!