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Trapsmith: The Bite of Steel

Trapsmiths constantly obsess about dismemberment and decapitation, always imagining better ways to cut into the flesh of interlopers. Two standard designs are the scything blade and wall blade trap. Scything Blade Trap (CR 1) Type mechanical; Search DC 21; Disable Device DC 20 Trigger location; Reset automatic Effect atk +8 melee (1d8/×3) Market Price 1,700 […]

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Trapsmith: This is Your Friendly Poison Delivery System

Every trapsmith loves poison, and poison loves trespassers. Standard poison delivery systems—part of every trapsmith’s portfolio—are the poison dart and poison needle traps. How can something this simple be improved? With careful attention to detail and with massive overkill. Poison Dart Trap (CR 1) Type mechanical; Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 18 Trigger location;

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KQ Master Adds New Title

Our illustrious leader, Editor-in-Chief extraordinaire, the Most Great High Kobold himself, our Master Mold, and all-around nice kobold, Wolfgang Baur has been announced Seattle PI’s Geek of the Week! Please, join the rest of us kobolds in celebration. (It’s just like we always told him, “You keep biting off those chicken heads, and you’re bound

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Fistful of Lead: All the Monsters on a Budget

Some gamers prefer to play using miniatures, but cost can be prohibitive. Not even hardcore collectors have every miniature they need. Including multiples, it’s easy to buy 800 miniatures at a cost of thousands of dollars and still not own the exact minis for every occasion. There is, however, a way to own almost every

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Listen to OD Podcast and Win Tony DiTerlizzi Artwork

A new Open Design Podcast is now available, and there’s a special prize in this one. You could win a sketch by the amazing artist Tony DiTerlizzi: he’s drawn a quickling (pictured right) exclusively for Open Design Podcast and one lucky fan. Just listen to the episode for the instructions, and the original artwork could

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