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From Screenplay to RPG: Character Backgrounds (For the GMs)

Welcome to the second part of the article that covers character backgrounds for GMs! You can read the first part here. This time, Brian discusses weaving together the backgrounds and more, so take a look. Interweaving the Backgrounds of the Party After you have carefully examined each character’s background, you can then interweave the elements—naturally

From Screenplay to RPG: Character Backgrounds (For the GMs) Read More »

From Screenplay to RPG: Character Backgrounds (For the GMs)

When you get your players to develop detailed histories, they will see them as ways to explore their own characters, but you, as the GM, know what they really are: game generating fodder. When I’m writing a screenplay, I interweave my plot with the backgrounds of my characters. Often I find ways for the plot

From Screenplay to RPG: Character Backgrounds (For the GMs) Read More »

From Screenplay to RPG: Character Backgrounds (Part 1—For the Players)

Whether it is a few questions on an index card or a twenty-five page questionnaire, character backgrounds serve two important purposes in RPGs: For the characters they provide motivations and personality, and for GMs they provide ammunition for plot hooks, nonplayer characters, and campaign ideas. Why does Indiana Jones hunt for treasures? Why does Emperor

From Screenplay to RPG: Character Backgrounds (Part 1—For the Players) Read More »

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