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Deep Magic: Dimensional Warping

In 1884, Edwin Abbott wrote a novella called Flatland, and a hundred years later, I read it with delight. The novella’s characters are squares and triangles, sliding around a two-dimensional world called Flatland. The Flatlanders have no concept of “up” or “down,” and the existence of a third-dimension is left to philosophers and clerics. That […]

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Kickstarting Deep Magic: A Possibly Fireproof Tome for the Ages

Today the Deep Magic Kickstarter launches. It’s pretty much my dream project for RPG crunch, which is to say: it’s all about the fire spells, baby! I’ve always loved wizards and clerics, and nothing makes me happier than fireballs coming online, that flame strike spell hitting, or (if I’m feeling especially sneaky) casting the fire

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Kills, Items, and Secrets: Why I’m Forever Hooked on Deathtrap Dungeons

In January 2013, you, our kobold audience, voted Sersa Victory’s adventure pitch as being the winning entry in the Valhalla Calling contest. We thought you all might like to know a little bit more about Sersa’s background in gaming, plus see what he has to say on the topic of those ever-popular deathtrap dungeons. Although

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1,000-Word Rebuttal: Against the Fetish of Progressive Design

This blog hosted “Penny Dreadfuls: Against the Nostalgia Fetish in Fantasy Roleplaying” yesterday, a pleasant-but-perhaps-confused rant against nostalgia in roleplaying game design, and in favor of progress and modernity. Maybe I’m just old enough to see the upside of the conservative worldview, but let me be the first to say “bah, nonsense!” and offer this

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