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Book Review: The Secret of Abdu El Yezdi (A Burton & Swinburne Adventure)

The Secret of Abdu El Yezdi Mark Hodder 290 pages, Pyr Paperback $18.00; Kindle $8.69; Audiobook CD $10.11; Audible $25.95 or free ISBN 978-1616147778 After the assassination of Queen Victoria, a cabal of important men whose names could easily fill the all-star team for their time (King George IV, Prince Albert, and others) have been […]

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Magic of the Celestial Sea V – Akaya’s Armory

Despite their powerful magical abilities and natural aptitudes for spellcasting, living stars that choose to interact with other beings typically relish the visceral rush of melee combat and frequently have a weapon of choice with which they are highly expert. While most wield potent magic weapons from points around the Celestial Sea, a lucky few

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Grim Games: The Wishing Table, the Gold Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack

Do you ever wonder where some of the basic concepts for how magic items work in tabletop games come from? Sure, some of it came from more modern fantasy, but early folklore and fairy tales influenced those stories. In the story, “The Wishing Table, the Gold Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack,” we can

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Book Review: The Scroll of Years: A Gaunt and Bone Novel

Chris Willrich 270 pages, Pyr Paperback, $15.95, Kindle $8.69 ISBN 978-1616148133 Some people take being partners in crime to a whole new level, and Persimmon Gaunt and Imago Bone are “those” people. Gaunt is a bard. Well, she’s a poet (close enough) who craved adventure and was fascinated by the undead from a very young

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Your Whispering Homunculus—Nevermore (Part 3)

Master Pett’s Your Whispering Homunculus presents only the finest in British gaming. Indeed, you are not likely to find a more comprehensive assortment of miscellany anywhere. (So much more than just another bloke in a dress.) “Our tale is almost at an end, huskface.” “But how does the tale end, master? Do the good ravens

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Death Among the Dunes: Desert Monsters (The Savage Sands)

With their punishing climate and near-total lack of precious water, deserts are one of the most hostile environments in existence. Those who spend enough time among the desert sands know that some monsters can thrive even in these hellish wastes. Such creatures are feared and respected by wise adventurers, for they are invariably predatory and

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Death Among the Dunes: Desert Monsters (Dune Hunter)

With their punishing climate and near-total lack of precious water, deserts are one of the most hostile environments in existence. Those who spend enough time among the desert sands know that some monsters can thrive even in these hellish wastes. Such creatures are feared and respected by wise adventurers, for they are invariably predatory and

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The Enlightened Necromancer: 13th Age Compatible

The Expanded White Necromancer is now available for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! A lot of 13th Age fans have also expressed interest in a compatible skull-slinging PC class, so we asked Lawrence Augustine R. Mingoa of Persuasions of the 13th Kind to share some tips on an ARCHMAGE Engine conversion. The Ghoul Emperor and other undead horrors are widely

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Magic of the Celestial Sea IV – The Living Stars

Each morning, Midgard’s deific sun emerges from the horizon and begins its swift journey across the sky, sparks of flaming godstuff cascading in its wake. While most of these divine motes simply diffuse into the firmament, a rare few find purchase in the heavenly ether and begin to mature into something truly magnificent. Growing in

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Book Review: King of Chaos (Pathfinder Tales)

King of Chaos Dave Gross 400 pages, Paizo Publishing LLC Paperback, $8.99 ISBN 978-1601255587 For the past century, a series of wardstones has imprisoned demons near an area named the worldwond, which is a gateway to places better left unvisited. Now those once-imprisoned demons are escaping and wreaking havoc wherever they roam. Count Varian Jeggare

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