Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Out of the Frying Pan: Into the West

The land ages and withers, desiccating with every mile. Unbidden thoughts and images of ancient atrocities arise, and you imagine the drifting residue of forgotten holocausts, swirling in the blowing dust. The wind picks up, and the clouds darken with each hurried stride, drawing you farther into the Goblin Wastes. Soon you’ll close within striking

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The Sorcery Stop: Order of the Elephant

Midgard has no shortage of deities, from the coils of the World Serpent to the busy machinations of the city gods. There are plenty of faiths, spanning empires, societies, and even pantheons. Similarly, Midgard has no shortage of militant orders, organizations that draw warriors from members of different regions, social strata, and character classes. These

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