Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Warlock’s Apprentice: Intrigues of the Mharoti

Countless agents of the Dragon Empire are scattered across Midgard to spread poison and seek conquest through subtler means—the seeding of alliances, the venom of terror, the breaking of friendships, and the greedy gathering of ancient and powerful magic. These plots stir constantly and can be encountered anywhere across Midgard, making marvelous potential intrigues that

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Saints of Midgard: St. Authketill, the Twice Slain

Saint Authketill, the Twice Slain Origins. One of the most perplexing and enigmatic saints to have walked the lands of Midgard is St. Authketill, the Twice Slain. An aasimar of indeterminate heritage but who claimed to be the grandson of Loki, Authketill was an adventurer and thief who traveled up and down the Nieder Straits

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Emerald Order Wallpapers

It’s a new month, and everyone’s gaming! So here’s a cult-tastic set of wallpapers for your computer, your smartphone, or whatever electronic device you’ve got. This month, we’ve got a piece from The Emerald Order (artist William O’Brien). Let’s go dangling from ropes, adventurers! Please, click on the image you want to download to expand it

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From the Deck of a Sandship: Of Mhalmet and the Desert

History In the five millennia of Nuria-Natal’s existence, its influence has waxed and waned across the Southlands. At a high point many, many years ago, Nurian merchants established the outpost, lighthouse, and port of Mhalmet on the White Sea. Nurian sandships sailed out of the desert and onto the sea, establishing trade up and down

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Heralds of the Yawning Void: Denizens of the Utter Black

Insatiable Brood These ravenous beasts are always found in great, gnawing swarms. Each individual of a brood is a head, slightly larger than a human fist, with bulging black eyes and an enormous mouth lined with uneven, jagged teeth. Slimy tails trail away from the back of the head, and wasp-like wings protrude from where

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Into the Wilderness: Presenting Choice

Wilderness exploration has always been integral to the game. Even in its earliest forms, Outdoor Survival was considered an important addition while campaign structures like hex crawls and the West Marches setting have kept that tradition alive. In a genre dedicated to diving into the new and unknown, this is no surprise. The wilderness is

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