Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Harbingers of the Yawning Void: Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks, Part 3

LEVELS 10–12 The Cursed Madstone. While cities have streets lined with temples and assorted apothecaries and doctors to deal with sickness, in rural areas and borderland settlements, those not lucky enough to have a healer in residence must rely on itinerant clergy or other wandering healers to come through. Those without clerical magic rely on […]

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Into the Wilderness: Random Encounters

However, they can also bog down pacing and damage that verisimilitude just as easily. As such, you want to ensure that your random encounters are making your wilderness a more vibrant, interesting place to adventure in. Your random encounters should accomplish some of the following: Save you time Save you work Push characters toward interesting

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Play with Class: Play a Perfect Paladin

Paladins have been around for the majority of the game’s history. These holy warriors embody the knight in shining armor archetype. Paladins are an incredibly satisfying class to play because they deal massive amounts of damage without being too overwhelmingly complicated to play. Paladins also make an excellent choice for a new player because they

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From the Deck of a Sandship: Of Ne’er-Do-Wells and the Roadrunner

Brigands and their Tactics This dance of mongoose and viper has crossed the sands for ages. The raiders utilize a variety of tactics and methods suiting their skills and preferred environments. Here we present a few, so one may adopt them or plan to defend against them. Method: Blitzers Description. The simplest form of robbery

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Heralds of the Yawning Void: More Dangers from the Darkness

Curse of Dissipation To enact this curse, the Harbingers will conduct a ritual to affect a thing or place already tainted by the Void—the lair of a creature associated with the Void, a battleground where Void spells were cast, or a spellbook containing Void magic—to direct the taint in a specific fashion. The curse afflicts

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