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Dungeon Tables: Random Encounters in Deserts and Wastes

Desert or Wasteland 2d20 Encounter 2 An ammut (see Creature Codex) pursuing an accursed defiler (see Tome of Beasts). 3 5 + 2d4 subek (see Tome of Beasts) alongside a riverbed. They are either friendly, if the waters are low (75%), or in the aggressive throes of flood fever if it is the rainy season

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The Song Undying: A New Cult, Its Leader, and a Terrible Relic

Salamondre Vacarro Salamondre was well known in Zobeck and elsewhere years before he founded his religion. As a bard, Salamondre was a renowned dirgist, having composed for and sung at the funerals of dignitaries, nobility, and wealthy patrons. And then the bard’s parents died suddenly, one after the other. His mother succumbed to a sudden

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Harbingers of the Yawning Void: Hvergelmir & Niflheim

Environs of Niflheim A great plain of ice, devoid of plants and animals, the environment of Niflheim is inhospitable to life. In addition to the bone-chilling cold, dangerous foes lurk amid the twilit landscape. The worst of the dark souls confined to this place are transformed into tvierherjar (see Creature Codex) by Nidhogg. They do

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From the Deck of a Sandship: Of Nemet and a Fine Crew of Pirates

Nemet, Captain of the Roadrunner Nemet Al-Graghn is a Nurian human who wears her long, flowing dark hair up in a ponytail. She is tall with a muscular build and piercing green eyes. Her favorite outfit consists of brown camelhide pants with a ruffled blouse of fine Nurian cotton. She wears an armored leather vest

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You Find Yourself in a Haunted House: The Beginning

Whether a windswept manor on the moors, a dilapidated hut on the outskirts of town, or a castle on the verge of ruins, haunted locations are ripe areas to introduce backstory, side plots, clues, atmosphere, or some undead infestation. A distinguishing feature of haunted locales is dependence on mood. Fear is a typical goal, but

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Rogue’s Gallery: Namazzi Akullo

A Blade Among Books. Namazzi’s parents were certain their youngest child would be a renowned parchment-maker as every member of each of their families had been for generations. Their certainty evaporated when their young daughter began running through the home battling imaginary fiends while brandishing a wooden serving spoon as though it was a sword.

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Harbingers of the Yawning Void: Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks, Part 3

LEVELS 10–12 The Cursed Madstone. While cities have streets lined with temples and assorted apothecaries and doctors to deal with sickness, in rural areas and borderland settlements, those not lucky enough to have a healer in residence must rely on itinerant clergy or other wandering healers to come through. Those without clerical magic rely on

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