Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog


The monstrosity appeared like a 50-ft.-long crocodile careened above the otherworldly battlefield, soaring on rigid leathery wings and coming to an awkward, upright landing among the scattered bodies of angels and fiends like. It charged straight into the celestials’ siege tower, both tails whipping wildly. Belviss fled in abject horror. Some minutes later, the gnome

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Terra Incognita

One of Open Design’s favorite cartographers wrote recently to let us know about an event he’s putting together — an art show for fantasy maps! Says Roberts, “I’m pulling in professional fantasy cartographers and very talented amateurs and I’ll be showing my own work as part of the show.” Readers will remember his work from

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All the Rage: Barbarian Totems (Part 2 of 2) (and A Margreve Preview)

“The bear, falcon, and wolf are merely three of the totems a barbarian may revere. Every totem offers a small background as well as rage powers that fit the totem’s theme. And even their physical fetishes, the objects that focus their veneration, can bestow upon those worthy the primal magic of these creatures.” [from Part

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Logan Bonner to Lead Lost City 4th Edition Open Design

Following on Courts of the Shadow Fey, its second adventure compatible with the 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game, Open Design is announcing a new D&D project launching immediately: the Lost City project. Leading the project is former Wizards of the Coast designer Logan Bonner, lead designer on Arcane Power and author of the

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Giant Scorpion

In the old days, giant killer scorpions didn’t throw lightning bolts and fireballs. They had to rely merely on bone-snapping pincers and flesh-melting venom. Pine for those simpler days of bloodshed no more! ___ Nature DC 15—Giant scorpions hunt at night, using their large claws to hold prey while injecting paralytic poison. They typically eat

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Kobold Guide to Game Design, Vol. 3 Goes to Brazil and Back

What are reviewers saying about Kobold Guide to Game Design, Vol. 3 (print/PDF), Open Design’s source for game design? … As with the first two volumes, if you’re an aspiring pro this book is a must. If you’re a rules hacker like me, this stuff is solid gold. If you’re just an ordinary, run-of-the-mill gamemaster

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Inspiring Terrains: Alleyways (Part 5 of 5)

“Inspiring Terrains” looks at encounters—fundamental building blocks that bring together PCs, conflict, and environment. With a little inspiration and a few mechanical bits, it’s easy to make the terrain in an encounter just as memorable as the foes. [Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part4] ___ For the fifth installment, we leave the wilderness to explore a shadowy,

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Sunken Empires, a Wonder of the Deep

What are reviewers saying about Sunken Empires (print/PDF), Open Design’s source for exploring underwater civilizations for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game? It’s not so much a setting as it is a toolkit for building an underwater setting for your own game. It discusses Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu as worldbuilding examples, and goes on to a walk-through of

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Born of malice and contempt from corrupted magic, this vile dragon scours the landscape, attempting to sate his unwavering hunger. General Xaldraxis is an ancient dragon commander, having survived since the dawn of man. With a temper forged in a violent age, he emerged victorious after defeating entire swaths of foul creatures, beasts, and monstrosities.

Xaldraxis Read More »

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