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Paths to Power (Part 2 of 2)

Paths to Power (Part 2 of 2)

Olaus Magnus, On the Signification of Thunderstorms for Every Specific MonthThe pursuit of power. The quest for immortality. There are many paths to power: some are well trodden while some are not. The fellhazen and the runecarved are two lesser-travelled roads for the heroic tier. Each offers a distinct path to the paragon tier and beyond.


The Runecarved

“The art of runecasting survives, devilspawn! Behold! My flesh, your doom!”

Runecarved are scions of an ancient and proud magical tradition: the runecasters of Rahvan…

Ages ago, a great war saw the surviving runecasters scattered across the land. Facing relentless persecution and fearful that their magical tradition would be lost, the runecasters transformed their art: carving the runes into their flesh, creating shining sigils that never fade.

Runecarved Initiate [Multiclass]

Prerequisite: Int 13.
Benefit: You gain training in the History skill. Once per encounter, as a free action, you can activate your core rune: you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses. The bonus lasts until the end of your next turn. Once per day, as a free action, you can activate all your runes to shed light equal to a torch for 1 hour. In addition, you can use a Rahvani rune as an implement when using a runecarved power.

Runecarved Novice [Multiclass Encounter]

Prerequisite: Runecarved initiate, 4th level.
Benefit: You can swap one encounter attack power you know of 3rd level or higher for the scythe of runes attack power.

Scythe of Runes Runecarved Attack 3

Runes shining with a silvery light fly from your flesh and cut into nearby enemies.

Encounter • Arcane, Radiant
Standard Action               Close
burst 3
Each enemy in burst.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex.
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage.

Runecarved Acolyte [Multiclass Utility]

Prerequisite: Runecarved initiate, 8th level.
Benefit: You can swap one utility power you know of 10th level or higher for the road of runes utility power.

Road of Runes Runecarved Utility 10

Stepping from rune to rune, you can travel anywhere.

Daily • Arcane
Standard Action               Personal
You create a road of runes 6 squares long that can be used to bridge chasms. It can also be used as a ladder, but for every square up or down reduce the number of squares that can be moved horizontally by 1. If used as a ladder, the maximum vertical movement is 4 squares.
Sustain Minor:
Once the road of runes is set, you can sustain the power, enabling others to make use of it.

Runecarved Adept [Multiclass Daily]

Prerequisite: Runecarved initiate, 10th level.
Benefit: You can swap one daily attack power you know of 9th level or higher for the sickening symbol attack power.

Sickening Symbol Runecarved Attack 9

Swirling runes merge to create a symbol so vile that all recoil from it.

DailyArcane, Necrotic
Standard Action               Close
burst 5
Each creature in burst.
Intelligence vs. Fortitude.
2d4 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, you push the target 3 squares, and the target is weakened (save ends).
You push the target 1 square, and the target is weakened (save ends).

Runecarved Feats

Iron Core [Runecarved]

Prerequisite: Runecarved Initiate.
Benefit: When you activate your core rune, you gain a +3 bonus to all defenses. The bonus lasts until the end of your next turn or for a number of turns equal to your Wisdom modifier, whichever is greater.

Rune of Power [Runecarved]

Prerequisite: Runecarved Initiate.
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls when you use a runecarved attack power. At 11th level, this bonus increases to +2. At 21st level, it increases to +3.

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