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Relics of Power: The Chosen Artifact

Relics of Power: The Chosen Artifact

Now that the votes are all in and tallied, we have the pleasure of announcing the artifact that you, the fans, voted on to be the Relic of Power. Before we do that formally, though, we want to thank all those who entered the contest and shared their artifacts with us. We had a great time seeing what you all came up with, and it was also a pleasure sharing the finalists with you so that you all could enjoy the creativity of our contestants.

As we saw, the race was extremely close between David Adam’s Izellia’s Branch and Mario Podeschi’s Gordian Knot. As the voting neared its ending, Mario posted the following to David’s entry:

“I love your artifact–seeing mine lose or win to it will be an honor. I think what distinguishes 4E artifact philosophy with that of Pathfinder is the way that personality is built into the stat block itself, so no artifact is complete without a vivid personality nested within it.

“The Branch does this beautifully. Izellia is a vivid embodiment of nature–mother earth personified, weakened and forlorn and wrathful.”

Excellent and thoughtful words, Mario. (See the entirety of David’s Izellia’s Branch entry and read more on Mario’s thoughts on it in his comment.)

Now, however, is the time to announce the artifact chosen by the public, which is indeed a Relic of Power: Mario Podeschi’s Gordian Knot. Congratulations, Mario!

As you might already know, this particular artifact comes from a legend in which Alexander the Great figures. When faced with the challenge of undoing the Gordian knot, which many had attempted to solve to no avail before him, Alexander drew his sword and severed it. As you can see from Mario’s entry, he took this legend and made it his own.

Very soon you all will be able to enjoy a fully developed and illustrated appearance in the next issue of Kobold Quarterly (Fall Edition). Mario will receive a free print and PDF copy of his choice of his entry.

Excellent work, Mario! You did a great job with this artifact. You should be very proud of your accomplishment, and your fellow finalists should also feel proud of their entries. Thanks also go to everyone who entered the contest and everyone who voted.

Please congratulate and thank Mario for providing us with such an interesting and useful artifact. We would also love to know if you enjoyed the contest and would like to see it again, plus feel free to tell us what we might improve.

12 thoughts on “Relics of Power: The Chosen Artifact”

  1. Way to go, dude. Now I have to learn another system so you can unleash this honored item on me. Victor Visage would definitely try to destroy it…

  2. Congratulations. Sorry I’m a little late in responding, but I was away on vacation. Thanks, too, to KQ for sponsoring such a great contest. Kudos to all!

  3. Things have been busy at work, but now that I have a free moment I want to congratulate Mario. The knot was definitely a creative entry and I couldn’t have asked for a better competitor. Thanks for the kind words about my own entry. Keep up the great work!

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