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Vault of Magic Wallpapers

Vault of Magic Wallpapers

It’s a new month, and everyone’s gaming! So here’s a vault-tastic set of wallpapers for your computer, your smartphone, or whatever electronic device you’ve got. This month, we’ve got a piece from Vault of Magic (artist Tomasz Chistowski).

Let’s go exploring, adventurers!

Please, click on the image you want to download to expand it into a downloadable image.

6 thoughts on “Vault of Magic Wallpapers”

  1. So yea, I’m having an issue finding your kickstarter. The link on the email you sent me doesn’t work. It redirects to some weird r20 site. Then I got on your blog and you’ve got a post of your wallpapers for the kickstarter and all I can think is ‘awesome surely they have a link to the kickstarter on the post. Except you don’t. You guys need to work on your online presence. I had to go to your twitter to find a link to the actual kick starter.

    1. Wouldn’t a search on Google or even better, Kickstarter itself work? Granted, it’s customary for people telling you about things to provide a working link, but things happen. You found it on their Twitter page anyway. Happy ending, no?

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